MovieChat Forums > The Terminator (1984) Discussion > Why didn't Reese recognize the Terminato...

Why didn't Reese recognize the Terminator?

When Reese and Sarah are peeling all over Los Angeles away from Tech Noir, Reese says that the Terminator is a "Cyberdyne Systems Model 101."

"Model 101" means that its skin covering is the one that looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger. If Reese was familiar enough with the model 101s to recognize the Terminator as one, why does he later tell Sarah that he had to wait before the Terminator moved in on her to be sure it was him?



T-800 is how he is built
Model 101 is the Arnold Skin. OP is correct

You Panicked, and your weakness has cost the lives of three others!


Model 101 is human skin. I don't think it necessarily has to look like Arnie.


Model 101 is human skin. I don't think it necessarily has to look like Arnie.

The model number refers to the look of the human skin. 101 would specifically be Arnold.

dies ist meine unterschrift


Doesn't seem very effective for the Machines to manufacture terminators that all the same model look alike. You'd only really be be able the use the model once or twice effectivly before everyone figured it out.


Those Austrian bodybuilder terminator models all look alike...

Seriously though, they may have known which model went through the time displacement equipment (computer readout maybe? Inventory list missing one unit?) without knowing WHAT the model 101 looked like.

Yeah, that's pushing it, but what else ya got to go with?

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 


Those Austrian bodybuilder terminator models all look alike

Dude, that's so racist...

Administrators think they are the Dexter of IMDB


I know James Cameron later said all the 101s look like Arnold...but they don't say that in this movie. Probably because that wasn't even his original intention.

So I dismiss that as some bull *beep* Cameron later said (much like all the bull *beep* George Lucas and Ridley Scott and others later said about their films that didn't add up), and take the dialogue in the movie for what it is.

Reese says the 101s are new, and unlike the previous rubber skinned versions, look completely human. So, watching as a viewer and not a scholar of Terminator lore, I gather from that that they just look like some random human, and thus Reese had to wait until the Terminator made a move before he could identify it.


Incorrect. He says the 800s are new with skin. Sweat. Bad breath etc. The 600s were easy to spot

You Panicked, and your weakness has cost the lives of three others!


He says these are new.


"Its not a man. Its a machine. A terminator. CyberDyne systems model one zero one."
"The 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy. But these are new."

Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'...
...That's god damn right.


i think this refers to the type of tissue they have over the endoskeleton, not the physical look it resembles. 600 series had bad rubber that was easy to detect, the new ones have real tissue. That's the way i always understood it and it makes sense.



True. But that raises the question of where the terminators in the future get their clothes from.

I mean, do they wander around naked until they find resistance fighters and take their clothes?

Or if a Terminator successfully infiltrates a community and kills everyone, does he gather up all the clothes he can find and take them back to the fort so the new Terminators wont have to go out naked?

Does Skynet have a stockpile of clothes for the Terminators? Like a wardrobe? And if so, are the clothes just in a big pile, or organized on coat hangers and racks?

And do the Terminators pick out their own outfits and try them on in the mirror to make sure they look convincing enough to get through the front door?

God, a person could go crazy thinking about this 😨


i have insufficient data regarding H-K fashion issues.

I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. 


True. But that raises the question of where the terminators in the future get their clothes from.

I mean, do they wander around naked until they find resistance fighters and take their clothes?

Or if a Terminator successfully infiltrates a community and kills everyone, does he gather up all the clothes he can find and take them back to the fort so the new Terminators wont have to go out naked?

Does Skynet have a stockpile of clothes for the Terminators? Like a wardrobe? And if so, are the clothes just in a big pile, or organized on coat hangers and racks?

And do the Terminators pick out their own outfits and try them on in the mirror to make sure they look convincing enough to get through the front door?

if i remember correctly(haven't watched the movie in a while) Reese said something about being in a work camp where they branded the human workers; from that one can assume skynet saves the clothing of the dead workers for their infiltration units and the "grays" that go out and collect free humans.

Shall we find something to kill to cheer ourselves up?-hk-47


If they can grow skin they can manufactore clothes. The terminator only arrived naked cause for some reason only living tissue could be transported into the past. (Just an excuse to have naked actors I think).


no , also an excuse to not bring any ray guns , or any evidence at all to prove they are really time travellers - which makes for interesting conversations with Sarah. and the police.


Given the XXX large size of their cybernetic chassis and their preference for black leather, I'd think mail order would be the best option...


that raises the question of where the terminators in the future get their clothes from

Salvation shows skynet rounding up people for extermination, it probably keeps some of their clothes.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


All the terminators look different. They're infiltration units and that wouldn't work if they all looked like Arnold. We only get the conceit that there's multiple copies in T2 when they needed a way to bring Arnie back.

Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything.


That reminds me of Battlestar Galactica: The Plan, when one of the cylon models berates another for sucking at infiltration. The latter thinks that wearing a different color blazer to the model already exposed and caught by the humans, will suffice.

This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


The terminator in T3 said t John Connor that the one sent back in time in T2 was a different T101.


My iMDB profile


"What, do you guys come off an assembly line or something?"



Terminator model designations are retconned in order to make sense, so it's a bit useless to nitpick about them...HOWEVER, this is (more or less) the official lore;

T-800 is the model designation of the Terminator model. Model 101 is the designation of the organic outer layer. This designation taxonomy was used in most iterations of the Terminator franchise.

It is stated in various sources, that the Terminator's organic outer layer is cloned flesh. As in cloned from a DNA sample of a certain person. One of T3:ROTM deleted scenes depicts Arnold playing Sgt. Candy, whose DNA would be the template for model 101.

Since the organic outer layer is cloned flesh, and thus needs a DNA sample, it would stand to reason that Skynet has a finite amount of viable DNA samples to choose from. Therefor there are many Terminators that look the same. Furthermore, not a single piece or Terminator lore has ever said that all Terminators have an unique appearance.


There is a flashback scene in the future, where a terminator is is rampaging in a rebel base. And that one does not look like Arnold.
So the implication is that they all look different.


They all look different. Its just some bs Cameron said to justify Arnold being in the second movie and then the absolutely awful Salvation touched on.


He didn't know what model of Terminator was sent back, if he just shoots someone that looks like Arnold (and therefore model 101) the chances are he'd be killing an innocent bystander. "I had to wait until he moved on you before I could zero him"


The 'computer readout' theory someone mentioned is also possible.

In Genisys, when they show the original T-800 being sent back, Skynet's computer voice makes an announcement along the lines off "Perimeter breached. Activating Model 101". So its very likely there was some kind of data trail indicating what model number went back, without Kyle (or any Resistance member) recognizing it.

Alternatively, maybe Kyle DID recognize the Model 101...but its not like the Terminator was just walking around, waiting to be found. His best bet was still to let it zero in on Sarah.


His best bet was still to let it zero in on Sarah.

He said that in the movie. He said he had to wait until the Terminator zeroed in on Sarah to know who it was.


Why didn't Reese recognize the Terminator?
image for user dawsonbot
by dawsonbot
» Sun Jun 21 2015 15:53:13
IMDb member since March 2001
When Reese and Sarah are peeling all over Los Angeles away from Tech Noir, Reese says that the Terminator is a "Cyberdyne Systems Model 101."

"Model 101" means that its skin covering is the one that looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger. If Reese was familiar enough with the model 101s to recognize the Terminator as one, why does he later tell Sarah that he had to wait before the Terminator moved in on her to be sure it was him?

No, it doesn't.
T101 is the designation of the human-like skeleton form of terminator. Like T1000 is the liquid metal, TX is the sort of hybrid.


No, it doesn't.
T101 is the designation of the human-like skeleton form of terminator. Like T1000 is the liquid metal, TX is the sort of hybrid.

Its called a T-800 Model 101.
T-800 is the series, Model 101 is the kind of mold of the Endoskeleton.

The T-1000 is a prototype Terminator that stands entirely on its own, no model designation.
Instead Skynet created upgraded variations of it and called those T-1001 and T-1002, also no model designations for those.

T-X and T-XA followed after those, where you correctly stated, that they are a hybrid:
Liquid metal covering an Endoskeleton.


If you are a nerd like me and have read the book "infiltrator" by SM Sterling it calls out that the T-800s were modelled after a special forces dude named Dieter Von Rosbach. pretty cool story actually if you love T1 and T2.

You can believe what you want, but don't believe it here. - Harry Crumb


Yeah...and it explained the accent too, because that's where the Von Rosbach was from. If I recall he was an Austrian anti terrorist operative. I admit, I greatly enjoyed The first Sterling Novel. It had so many literary 'easter eggs' to T1/T2 fans.

But I also think the 800 series had a bunch of 'skin versions, not just the Arnie/Dieter

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


the 800 series had a bunch of 'skin versions, not just the Arnie

which we see in the future scene where the base is attacked by a terminator with a different skin. Since it's a cyborg, i imagine they have to grow each skin/organs for each terminator infiltration unit.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


A different skin 'template' at least. The future one was the 'short Sardinian' model.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?
