MovieChat Forums > Ghostbusters (1984) Discussion > What is it about this movie...

What is it about this movie...

To me & so many others it still works so so well & it stands the test of time. How? Could someone break down why that is?


-Completely original idea that had such absurdness that was complimentary with the comedic nature
-Great chemistry from the entire cast, all eternally charming and all in their prime.
-Bill Murray at his Bill Murrayist.
-Effects worked great for the time
-Perfect formula of comedy with some seriousness blended throughout.
-Most importantly, the "Dickless" joke.

Also, in all honesty, I believe the overall cultural fondness for titles such as these along with nostalgia helps boost the "timelessness" of it.


All excellent points mate. I'll add:

- Big orchestral score which made the film feel 'bigger'.
- Near-perfect script.
- A director who worked so well with the cast who obviously had a huge amount of input.
- Great setting for the story: NYC.


Correct, Excellent points! đź‘Ťđź‘Ť


While I do enjoy this movie, I will admit it’s not the masterpiece some claim it to be and the dick joke wasn’t even that funny.


Not one person has ever referred to Ghostbusters as a "masterpiece" ...not even on these boards.

It's is, however, a cultural touchstone that stands the test of time and remains in the public consciousness after 40 years, and for real reasons.

You're trying too hard to be a contrarian and it's painfully apparent.


This is a timeless movie because it just works so well no matter how old it is u know. The NYC setting also helps it a lot as well.


Actually wait, I’ll save you the trouble, here is someone who said it was a “masterpiece”:


Who the hell is trying to be “contrarian”, all I did was state my opinion and I even said I liked the movie. You seem to be starving for attention for some reason and you seem to think I will give it to you.

Also you just said “not one person claimed it was a masterpiece”, so prove it, show me the opinion of every single person on Earth and show that no one said it was a masterpiece.
