

Where are you guys finding these completely obscure 1980's movies?

If your going to waste your time watching a 1980's movie might as well make sure it was in the top 50 of that year.

By the looks of the synopsis, I think it is been 'feminist approved'

Which would explain why it is offered to new generations.


do you honestly think a movie needs to be in the top 50 to have redeeming qualities?? This is one of my favorite slashers of all time.


Really? I never heard of it and I lived through the 1980's. Sounds like a Friday the 13th hack.


I was a kid in the 80’s too and I missed this one but I discovered it a few years ago.

Well, I can tell you I have a Camp Arawak tee shirt. Lol. Don’t go reading about Sleepaway camp, but just go watch it.


The answer to number one is stated in number two. Why tell the director when he’s interested in under aged girls? He’s as bad as the cook.




I don’t know, but the easy answer to all your questions is that people don’t always do the right or most logical thing in every situation. The younger the person involved is increases the odds of an irrational decision being made.
