Jedi Rocks

In the 2011 blu-ray edition

I think it's fair to say it's almost universally hated. That said, I think what people need to remember about George, is that he has a sense of humour that includes being silly. For instance, Jar-Jar is a really silly character, but George likes adding silly things as it's part of his sense of humour.

We don't have to agree with him, on the stuff he has added in his movies, but I think he added in the silliness, because he did not want his films to be overly dark. Maybe people want their Star Wars movies to be gritty and dark all the time. Well, that is not who George is. Light hearted and silly is part of the package of Star Wars.

I don't know George personally, my golly I wish I did, but it's just my impression of the man.

Just my view.


i like jarjar way better than jedi rocks. i don't mind the idea of having a musical number in the scene, and after rewatching the original 1983 version the other night i felt the scene definitely didn't feel finished, but i do feel that the in-your-face shots with some of the singing aliens could have been cut.


"i do feel that the in-your-face shots with some of the singing aliens could have been cut."
Especially dangling uvulas and drool :P


