The Bologna

How did Johnny plan on keeping it from going bad without a fridge to keep it in?


I was SO thinking the same thing tonight when I watched it. That Bologna must have had some serious preservatives lol


Bet they are that first... Should've stocked up on more Peanut Butter.


Yeah, like that was the first thing they went through and started right on the PB. I can't order a roast beef sandwich with BBQ sauce without thinking of this movie.


I thought the exact same thing. They should have stocked on more peanut butter and some Marshmallow Fluff.


There was one morning when Pony Boy woke up and said the church was colder than ever, so I believe the church stayed somewhat cool at times -


A better question is why didn't Johnny buy a pair of scissors at the store.


Good observation. If it was cold enough to be freezing than maybe the Bologna didn’t spoil since the weather is basically refrigerator temperature. I was wondering the same thing until you mentioned it


I'm not food expert, but I think the bologna would have lasted a couple of days even if the church wasn't sorta cold. I imagine they would finish the bologna in two days in which case they'd move on or Dallas would have provided more provisions. In any case, I don't think "punks" of that era really understood or really cared about food safety.
