MovieChat Forums > Octopussy (1983) Discussion > Octopussy or Never Say Never Again?

Octopussy or Never Say Never Again?

The 'rival' Bond movies released in the same year?

I actually prefer NSNA


Winner is Octopussy, definitely.


I loved the Octopussy theme and that was the best ''Q' performance ( you see how he really cared about James Bond)., the clown sequence was good also. But Connery coupled with Kim Basinger and Barbara Carrera wins. What makes Connery unique is he is not 'Superman' like Roger Moore (and especially Pierce Brosnan). I loved the scienes of an Old Bond getting into shape ( not Rocky IV but not bad).


Never Say Never Again

Like all of Sean Connery's Bond films, I saw it in the theater.

I never went to see a single Roger Moore film though I do like "The Spy Who Loved Me". I like Moore as Simon Templar but not as Bond. I tested that by watching Encore On Demand's offering of all of the Bond movies~except those with the ghastly gargoyle whose name I can't recall or perhaps do not want to. I thought no one could do worse than Moore. Wow! Was I ever wrong!

(W)hat are we without our dreams?
Making sure our fantasies
Do not overpower our realities. ~ RC



Octopussy. NSNA was pointless. If Connery was going to return as Bond, they could have at least given him an original story to work with

Problem is they couldn't. EON/Broccoli et al owned exclusive rights to Bond, with the exception of Thunderball. That was all they were allowed to remake.


Octopussy vs Never Say Never Again - I'll take Octopussy

Thunderball vs Never Say Never Again - I'll take Never Say Never Again. I like it better than any of the post-Goldfinger Connery films.

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards





I like both films, but NSNA is my personal preference. Octopussy has too many lame jokes in it even though it's action and story is very good.

I know NSNA isn't a 'proper' Bond film but it has so many good scenes and Barbara Carrera is a splendid villianess!

Was it a millionaire who said "Imagine no possessions"?


Octopussy all the way. It could be the best of Moore's, while NSNA is the worst of Connery's and it's actually a joke of a movie (and a non-official remake of classic Thunderball, actually). NSNA is worse than any EON films to me.
