fave lines?

man, this is one of few boards that doesn't have a lot of haters! lol

my fave line has gotta be "i couldn't fu ck a gorilla!?"

another fave scene is when he gets pulled over and they make him do all those difficult drunk tests....."ok, u can stop the subtitles now!" HAHA


"Into the mud, scum queen!" Greatest line ever.

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


I love it when the good Dr. shocks the audience at the medical conference and they start to "Murmer". As they get louder, we realize they are actually saying "murmer". By the end of the scene, a few people have gotten to their feet and are SCREAMING: "MURMER! MURMER!!!"


"Take out the 'probably', it makes me sound wishy-washy."


You stole mine!

(whining) "I told them to take out the 'probably' "

"I hereby declare our marriage null and void! Ipso facto, coitus interuptus!"

The little girl in the beginning is amazing. She must have been reading but her timing is perfect!

I also love the part where he uses his hands as suction cups on the ledge but needs her spit to make it across!

There's so many great lines, reading all these posts makes me want to watch 'Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid' right now. Need to go see if there's a 'best lines' thread over there. (Don't forget your pajamas!)

Did you tell LUKE..? Is THAT who you could tell??


These are all so great, this movie has some of the best lines. Though perhaps my favorite, which I don't think I saw mentioned:

Inspector: "You are playing God!"

Michael: "Somebody has to!"

Also, "Get that cat outta here!" and "Into the mud, scum queen!" are quotes that I like to incorporate into my daily life as much as possible.


The scene where Dr. Necissiter tells Steve Martin, "Won't be long till you hear her say 'Take me, Take me'..." Then you see Steve Martin drooling LOL I crack every time. Not exactly dialogue, but there is a drool line.


After Steve has finally consumated his marriage with Kathleen Turner he says, "That was sooooo professional."

"Ladies and gentlelmen, I have suffered for my music, and now it's your turn" Neil Innes


"These walls may look solid, but they're as thin as tissue paper!" love that line for some reason.
"Merv Griffin did not turn himself in. If you've seen him, please tell the theatre manager"
Classic Carl Reiner


its a tie between that and 'into the mud scum queen'. but i have to admit just randomly insertig the scum queen one into conversation is alot less harrowing than the gorilla one lol

if it wasn't for my horse, i wouldn't have spent that year in college


Someone asks Dr. Hfuhruhurr how he spells his name: "It's just like it sounds, H-F-U-H-R-U-H-U-R-R, Hfuhruhurr."

Necesseter meets Hfuhruhurr for the first time:

Necesseter: "Dr Mmmmfur?"
Hfuhruhurr: {looking annoyed}. "Close"

"Damn your drunk tests are hard!"

{after Hfuhruhurr and Dolores fight about the guy touching her buttocks for money}

Dolores: "You don't want me to have a career?!
Hfuhruhurr: "You call this a career?!"

Dolores: "What are those a^^holes doing on the front lawn?"
Hfuhruhurr: {chuckles} "It's pronounced azaelas"


Hfuhruhur "It causes your brain to die last!"

hor "Iy don't miynd!!"

http://OilVentures101.org - The Definitive Resource on This Most Sage of Investments.


When are you scheduled to have your hands removed from your face?

Do you want your Tahiti Tickle flaming? No, that's for tourists.

You're the first....object...to get that right.

You still have your.....brain.

Oh when Necessiter is taking him off to show him something, he tells Ann "Wait right here."

hahaha I hadn't seen this in years and my buddy kept telling me how funny it was and I need to watch it again. It's awesome - everything's funny!

