Are you people high???

Holy Cow, if you want to see a great slapstick movie, watch Mel Brooks "Blazing Sadles" This movie (The Pirate movie) is so amaturish it's like sitting through a horrible junior high musical, full of terrible actors and over-actors. Disjointed and mediocre it's not even good in a cult film kind of way. I'm not a snob, but I remember even back in 82' thinking it was S-T-U-P-I-D and I was the target market at that time (16 years old) MJ



F to the U, pal. It's a cult classic and a fun popcorn flick. I eagerly mock anyone who says otherwise!

I am not an atomic playboy!


I personally hated Blazing Saddles. I grew up with The Pirate Movie, I used to watch it 5 times a day. I still love it now at 30 years old.

Camp Blood: The Home of Jason Voorhees


If you were 16-years-old in 1982, you weren't quite in the target market.


I loved it then, (at 14), and I love it now.


Hey! I'm Australian. Guess what? Out of all the crap that Australia has made THIS takes the cake as Australia's worst film. The Aussies have wanted nothing but comedy since the 70's. Crocidile Dundee & The Castle are the two most successful Aussie films of all time and they're brainless pieces of crap. (CD is a good brainless piece of crap) I hated EVERY minute of this *beep* It is on my top 5 worst films of all time.

Goth for LIFE!


1) No, I am not high. Dope is for dopes and all potheads are a threat to society and should be treated that way.

2) BLAZING SADDLES is one of the worst comedies ever made, with humor that only a drunken stupid highschool jock would find funny. Now, Mel Brooks' HISTORY OF THE WORLD... that's funny.

3)THE PRIRATE MOVIE is one of the best movies ever made, and just like all great movies it is made only for those with a sense of imagination and sentament. I first saw this on HBO when I was a kid, and I was addicted to it that I borrowed a friend's tape recorder, bought a package of MEMOREX cassette tapes, and recorded the entire movie so that I could listen to it at any time. And if there was any doubt in my young mind that I was gay, Christopher Atkins swept that doubt out the window.


Well, it is a comedy.


I've never seen this movie and I really need to watch it just for historical reference lol maybe while I'm high?
