MovieChat Forums > Mommie Dearest (1981) Discussion > Why didn't Joan leave an inheritance for...

Why didn't Joan leave an inheritance for her kids?

I caught this movie half-way through to the end and I'm wondering why Joan didn't leave an inheritance for any of her kids? In the movie it's only said that " they know exactly why."


Maybe she did it for a little extra publicity...



She cut Christina, and the son she adopted out of her will but the twin daughters she adopted and had a much better healthier relationship with, she left them her estate. That's when Christina and her brother went to court to battle it all out and when she wrote the book. The twins had a totally different relationship with their mother.


Mommie left the twins (Cindy + Cathy) the same CASH amount, but the bulk of her estate was in her personal, furs, collectibles, real estate, insurance, etc.

All of THAT she just left to just ONE twin (Cathy) even amongst the two kids she favored, she was holding grudges and creating a wedge.


Does anyone know the court's final decision on who got what?

If your wife is a wicked witch, you're a flying monkey.


Christopher and Christina were included in the financial disbursement (it wasn't some huge amount). Christina gave her portion to her brother.



'Christina gave her portion to her brother'.
Then why did she bitch about not receiving an inheritance? I don't like this woman, C.C. And was likely cast by actresses who were not likable, as Ebert noted.


IY, you're the most bitchenest bitch around. I'd peg CC as your kind of woman.


Just out of sincere curiosity, IY, who do you like??

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


what do you mean, who do (boldface) I like? C'mon, I know you can do it: Let me know what made you ask that. You know, IY likes that forthrightness, instead of the usual veiled talk. So, what makes you ask?

..but if you cant, you know I completely under-stand


I do love Joan Crawford, I forgot. Wonderful lady


No, you're just oppositional-defiant in your usual stream-of-consciouness manner.

Why do you do that? Always wasting your obvious intelligence going afer everybody whether they and their argument deserve it (and sometimes they do) and especially if they don't.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:



But, but why do you not ask the same for other posters who share the same opinion/comment as me?


Because NOBODY shares the same opinions as you. Except for possibly some of the members of that simple minded society you've got working overtime in your spastic imagination.

Yes, the cheese stands alone. Sad, but true.


Because NOBODY shares the same opinions as you. Except for possibly some of the members of that simple minded society you've got working overtime in your spastic imagination.

Even InherentlyYours doesn't share the opinions of InherentlyYours. He even argues with himself ad nauseum.

It's really quite weird.

He's able to take on dumb people and handles them well, quick to point out their pretensions and delusions, sometimes quite accurately. But when somebody does the same to him -- somebody who's smarter than the ducks he usually quacks with -- he seems to fall apart pretty quickly for some reason.

The more nonsensical his response (as above) the more he seems to know he's in the wrong or had been "caught".



I have shared many of IY's opinions and outlooks and I think when he does have something that connects and of worthwhile value to say, he is just as intelligent and smart as some of his adversaries. However, he is not flexible in some of his outlooks and refuses to see the bigger arena at times. This is just his own pride, arrogance and self-absorption. He is caught up in his own headspace and can't do friendships very well and hardly has any sense of humor. It is when he is wrong and contradicts himself and smart people are attempting to put him right or at least offer him another perspective or outlook, that he falls to pieces and makes himself look like a fool. He also loves to bait; but yes you are correct, this baiting is due to his own mental disorders in arguing within himself. He doesn't quite know on which foot the shoe fits sometimes.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


Even InherentlyYours doesn't share the opinions of InherentlyYours. He even argues with himself ad nauseum.

Isn't that the truth. It's kind of like he has been living in a small closet all these years, and instead of reaching for the doorknob (which is three inches away from his face) to unlock the door and step out into the room and breathe new air and see all the people, he has convinced himself that the easier way to get out of the closet is by banging his head on the wall opposite the door, repeatedly.

The more nonsensical his response (as above) the more he seems to know he's in the wrong or had been 'caught'

And he works like the Tasmanian Devil trying to figure out whether he wants to be right or wrong.

You've got his number, allright.

It's like the lyric from "The Patty Duke Show" theme.

You could lose your mind...


Just out sincere curiosity, IY, who do you like?


I asked the poster that very same question once, back when he went by the name 'Jim'. And I can tell you that he HATES that question more than any other, and he will do amazing mental calisthenics in order to deflect and dodge and not have to answer that question. Many years ago - when I still was giving him the benefit of the doubt and thought he was just having a bad month - I asked him what he thought of Sissy Spacek's performance in "Carrie". Because that is my own favorite performance as well as my own favorite movie. The first time he didn't answer my completely HARMLESS question (I was attempting to engage him and be friendly), I guessed it was just an oversight. So I asked him again the same question, and when he didn't answer me again, I guess curiosity got the better of me. So I asked him the same thing a third time.


He's pretty much an open and shut case. And if he weren't the epitome of a troll, I think I might be able to feel sorry for him. But of course, he feels sorry enough for himself.


I asked the poster that very same question once, back when he went by the name 'Jim'. And I can tell you that he HATES that question more than any other, and he will do amazing mental calisthenics in order to deflect and dodge and not have to answer that question. Many years ago - when I still was giving him the benefit of the doubt and thought he was just having a bad month - I asked him what he thought of Sissy Spacek's performance in "Carrie". Because that is my own favorite performance as well as my own favorite movie. The first time he didn't answer my completely HARMLESS question (I was attempting to engage him and be friendly), I guessed it was just an oversight. So I asked him again the same question, and when he didn't answer me again, I guess curiosity got the better of me. So I asked him the same thing a third time.


He's pretty much an open and shut case. And if he weren't the epitome of a troll, I think I might be able to feel sorry for him. But of course, he feels sorry enough for himself.

Fascinating, and pretty much what I've observed. He's astute and extremely bright, but he wastes it, verbally assaulting both those who derserve it and those who don't at all (although he always begins to stammer with the latter group).

And ultimately fights with himself, which is weird. (And I'm not even referring to his sock puppets).

Oh, and he now seems to think I'm "Todd" -- someone he seems to have a past issue with here, I'm guessing.



Oh, and he now seems to think I'm "Todd" -- someone he seems to have a past issue with here, I'm guessing.

PrometheusTree64, you guessed right! 😉

Too funny.


He's astute and extremely bright, but he wastes it...
For sure and this is the most frustrating thing, if only he'd learn to be a little more generous and giving in his outlook and character. It is everyone else with the problem and he finds it difficult to be humble at times, especially with the intelligent posters that are on and above his own level. This is born out of his arrogance though and what "only" he believes to be true, when he is dead wrong. It is very limiting.

And ultimately fights with himself, which is weird. (And I'm not even referring to his sock puppets).
He has changed usernames, and the last one before this was simplemindedsociety and he sometimes frequents his old posts; but apart from that, he has always had the same single account. I think the sock account accusation is more of a deflect and counter-argue, when people are frustrated with another poster and not open to them, be they worthy or not. They don't mind if others think like them; but when other posters disagree and are in unison, they then play the troll or sock account card. Why would someone go to the trouble of doing this, unless they are absolute losers and I don't think IY is quite there yet?

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


Jim can be very insightful and extremely perceptive. But he makes the same very good six points over and over. Virtually everything he has to say revolves around the "stupid masses" and their homophobia and their hypocrisy and their narcicissm and their lack of self awareness. And he really hates it when somebody likes something, especially if it's another person. I can almost hear him thinking "Whats wrong with everybody? People weren't meant to be liked!"

And as far as I know he has never shown any signs of humor and warmth and he is also one of the most unforgiving characters out there. His root problem is that for some reason he can't allow himself to forgive himself. (Considering his fixation on homosexuality, I wouldn't be surprised if it were his own homosexuality that was the source of this terrible guilt.) And he resents other people who ARE happy. If they did things that are wrong or bad, then they should be miserable like him. And when he comes across people who aren't miserable, he finds it supremely unfair. But then when he finds somebody who IS unhappy, he swoops down from the opposite direction and exclaims "What do YOU have to be unhappy about? You don't know what REAL problems are!"

What he doesn't seem to grasp is that this is his life. He is terrified to move, so he doesn't. And, like Rascal and PrometheusTree64 have stated, he is wasting his life on fear.

He has the charm and the survival instincts of a possum. He is not a likeable person.


And I thought I was bitchy on here !

"In every dimension , there's another YOU!"


The actress who played Christina was/is unlike able, I wonder if that was done on purpose? What was the real Christina like?

This movie is so over the top in its portrayal of Joan Crawford that I actually began to feel some sympathy for her. It's not good karma to speak ill of the dead, Joan could not defend herself from Christina's expose.


Christina was writing the book before Joan died.


I thought it was because of her and her brother's feistiness and tough character. I think she thought of them as very tough and felt they, like she, did not need anything monetarily to make it on their own. But this is just my opinion. I'm not at all saying she was right in not leaving them anything.

"Do All Things For God's Glory"-1 Corinthians 10:31
I try doing this with my posts


That's what I was thinking: The film makes it clear that Joan believed in self-made success because she felt it created character as opposed to everything being handed to the individual. So perhaps in her mind she believed she was doing both Christina & Christopher a favor because she believed they had the talent & aptitude to make it in life just fine without any further help from her.
