MovieChat Forums > Blow Out (1981) Discussion > Ridiculous mistakes and wrong plot (plus...

Ridiculous mistakes and wrong plot (plus other faults)


Why can't any movie ever get the technical details right? Or that's how it feels, when one watches YET ANOTHER movie that completely screws up any technical logic that might have been present.

Anyone who has filmed pictures (I mean, taken a camera, pointed and shot at images on a table or something) knows, that once you get the camera SET, you don't have to adjust anything anymore. You just take the pictures and shoot them one by one. I mean, after you adjust the image to the proper place, all you have to do is just shoot - just film it, just take the picture of the image. Then you do the same with the next image, and so on. You don't need to adjust the camera anymore, because all the pictures will be the same exact distance away from the camera, and if you leave a little bit of marginal, even slight size differences will not matter.

But in this movie, Travolta's character adjusts the friggin' camera for EVERY PICTURE, and he even uses zoom - pretty much EVERY TIME before shooting! I mean, what does he need the zoom for? Even if he uses it ONCE, to get the distance right, why would he need to do it again and again? They are the same exact distance, he doesn't EVEN need to adjust the focus (which he does, though), once he has done it the first time!

Also, the gunshot sounds sound very different almost each time we hear them. And that is supposed to be the whole core point of the whole darn movie.

I know that movie makers can't make computer details even close to being realistic (for reasons that no one has explained properly), but it's a bit groan-inducing to notice that they couldn't even get primitive, non-computer-tech to be correct whatsoever.

As some people have mentioned, films are either 24, 25 or 30 frames per second (and TV signal requires actually 50 or 60 frames per second, depending on whether it's PAL or NTSC, but it's interlaced, so you don't actually have 50 or 60 full frames per second, more like "50/60 half frames per second").

A friggin' MAGAZINE is NOT going to print that many images of anything - I mean, a magazine covers the WHOLE EVENT, which lasted for multiple seconds. So they probably choose only a few best frames from every second or so, if that. Realistically, a magazine would probably choose only less than 10 images of such a sequence, if even that many.

But yet we are shown that the images in the finished film are not only perfectly aligned (what a master this man must be to achieve that! TRY just filming even 10 pictures, and having them that perfectly aligned that you don't need to adjust anything afterwards, and make a movie of them - I promise you it's not easy!), but the sound SYNCHRONIZES _PERFECTLY_ on the first try!

Can you believe that? I mean, if you try that even with modern computers, just taking a long soundtrack of a short video, and make it match with the first attempt without ever testing it in any way in the middle, I can almost guarantee it will NOT be perfectly aligned! Only after multiple tests, and figuring out which is 'ahead', sound or video, and by how much, and then making the proper adjustment, can you even hope to do that.

Other ridiculous points of this movie:

The hitman goes through an awful lot of trouble with the tyres and the serial killing and tapping phones and whatnot, when ALL he really would have to do is just use a sniper rifle and shoot the bastards the second they leave the hospital! Why doesn't he ever attack, until the last, stupidly over-dramatic ending, and even then, only the woman?

Our intelligent, paranoid protagonist has lots of shades (though not many curtains), but doesn't really care to use them, EVEN WHEN HE IS HIDING AN IMPORTANT TAPE INTO A PLACE THAT IS 100% CLEARLY VISIBLE THROUGH THE WINDOW FROM OUTSIDE!

AAAaaaAAAaaRGGGH! NOR when he fetches the said tape from the said hiding place! I mean, what the frrgggh?

HOW can he be so stupid? A child of four years old could figure out that if you want to HIDE something, you FIRST cover the windows - whether by curtains, shades, or whatever, is irrelevant. Everyone knows this! "I need to hide this thing - better cover the windows, so no one outside can see what I am doing"!

ANYONE could figure that out! But not our intelligent, paranoid protagonist..

This whole movie is so filled with this kind of crap that it really constantly attacks ANY plausibility or suspension of disbelief that you have been able to muster. Then it ends with a downer, and .. basically, it was ALL for nothing.

(Spoilers, but it's your own fault if you come here before seeing the movie.)

Oh, wait.. not for NOTHING.. they did get a SCREAM out of it! What? They actually happily EXPLOIT that? Talk about not having respect for the 'dead'.. sheesh! Would you do that? Would any decent human being DO that? I mean, someone you like dies, and you use her death scream in your B-movie? I don't even know what to say, I am so appalled by this!

But it doesn't surprise me.. the conspiracy is always shown to be stronger than the individual in these masonic movies - that's how people are indoctrinated and conditioned, so that they won't ever try to be brave and actually inform the people about the truth.

Real life is so much more interesting than these idiotic movie plots - first it was about the Governor and the conspiracy to get rid of him, then it downgraded into an action movie about an 'item' (how many times do we need to see this kind of a movie?) that ends up nowhere important, and about a deranged guy killing whores.

How much more interesting could this plot have been? Oh well, it was clear to me what direction this movie was going to take when I saw the hugely masonic "Psychic Readings"-sign that is shown to exist right outside the girl's apartment (I can't even remember her name, this is not the kind of movie that makes the names stick to your mind - there was really not enough coherence for that anyway).

I mean, a masonic pyramid with an 'all-seeing eye' in the middle of it, and "psychic readings", implying some kind of esoteric power or force.. I don't think it could BE more masonic!

All in all, there's not much good to say about this masonic trash. REAL conspiracy movie would actually be about the conspiracy, there wouldn't be any injected romance, and it would actually have an interesting storyline about a small group of wealthy and powerful people who are plotting against "we, the people" - instead of these movies where someone is just trying to get some 'item', and we are not really shown who the powerful figures are or what are their real motivations, etc. I mean, what's the point?

There are way too many movies listed as "conspiracy movies" that have plotlines along the lines of trying to kill the president or senator or something. Who cares about those things - the governments are our servants, they are not as important as we, the people! Only movies where a group of people are assembling in secret to dominate the world, dominate the people, brainwash, indoctrinate, condition and enslave them in LARGE SCALE could, in my opinion, REALLY be called 'CONSPIRACY MOVIES'.

Who cares about some president of some government that's just a pawn in the hands of the banker elite group anyway? It's the PEOPLE that we should be caring about and rooting for, not some action hero or some friggin' figurehead of a useless government that's just a part of the whole plot to enslave the people anyway! Sheesh! Even I could write a better conspiracy movie than most of these pieces of shít, it shouldn't be that hard!


One specific ridiculous point: Jack gets Sally killed.


Yeah, a nitpick really


I hear it's really unhealthy to apply antiperspirant right after you shower because the aluminum seeps in your pores. So do you shower with your tin foil hat on?


OP's post is overly long and says very little. Blow Out is not really about the conspiracy. If you were watching the film instead of nit-picking every little, tiny thing you could find to sound clever on IMDb later, you'd know that. My Ignore List just keeps getting longer and longer.


I do not think I ever used the term plot hole before but this is a major plot hole. The entire move is based on a technical impossibility

The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill for it
If boxing is a manly sport why do they fight for a purse?


He makes adjustments every time because he's not lining up the photos against anything; they're all in slightly different positions. Are the adjustments themselves scrupulously realistic? Not really, but sheesh, it's not THAT bad.

It's true, it'd be very unlikely for the magazine to print every frame, but Life's publication of the Zapruder film came pretty close to doing that, so why not take a little license I guess.

I'm not sure what your issue is with him syncing it up perfectly though; the detail of how one does that is totally accurate as shown. You pick a reference point that lasts only one frame ( in this case the first frame of the car hitting the water, the first frame of audio with the sound of the splash). Line them both up so they play at the same time, et voila, the entire thing is lined up. The movie's hardly showing him just making a lucky guess or something.

For the hiding place, you're describing appropriate behavior for someone who thinks they're literally being watched every second. He didn't think so, and indeed he wasn't. He was hiding from anyone who decided to search his office, not from someone he thought was staring at him right then and there.

The hitman wasn't going to shoot them when they walked out of the hospital because if two material witnesses to the death of a Presidential candidate get shot in public the moment they're out of doors, that would raise suspicion to say the least. He took the time to commit a series of killings as a smokescreen, in order to make it look as though his actual target was just another victim of a serial killer. (And never planned on killing the sound recordist, apparently, just making it impossible for him to be believed.)

Regarding the ending: he used the sound of her scream in the movie not "happily" but to punish himself for failing her.

No comment on the Masonic stuff or what constitutes a "real" conspiracy in your estimation, except (sorry) to find all that kind of dubious as a criticism. Especially when the movie does, in fact, show you who's behind this and why. And if you can't figure out why assassinating someone to prevent We, the People from voting for him isn't a concern for We, the People...I'm not sure what to say, ha ha.



It's true, it'd be very unlikely for the magazine to print every frame, but Life's publication of the Zapruder film came pretty close to doing that, so why not take a little license I guess

The Zapruder film was 28.6 seconds long and contained 486 frames. Life magazine published 30 frames of the film, that isn't even remotely close.

The most important thing is sincerity. If you can fake that you've got it made.
I want to win the Nobel Peace Prize so bad that I would kill for it
If boxing is a manly sport why do they fight for a purse?


well put.


You sure love the word masonic. Is that some reference to the Freemasons, or are you using that word to just mean heavyhanded?



I missed the Psychic reading signs and all seeing eye, but I did notice between :54 and :55 into the movie Travolta comes out of the subway stairs at City Hall and the camera pans and centers on the Masonic Temple (one of the oldest in the US and across the street from City hall). 10 Seconds later the Cop is talking about Conspiracy theories when Travolta tells him about the tapes.

I don't believe in coincidences. Those are all there for a reason, as is the Red/white/Blue everywhere. Even the busy motel wallpaper. You see these subtle clues in countless movies.

To OP's point. This was supposed to be around July 4th...everyone's wearing coats at night and during the last scene you can see Lithgow's breath at the waterfront of Penn's landing....not to mention the fall leaves at the scene of the car crash on Lincoln Drive.

Overall a decent movie, but yeah the last third kinda went off the rails.
