MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > How is it everyone hates this movie?

How is it everyone hates this movie?

6.6 average rating? Do people have no sense of humor?

the Psi Corps is your friend


I don't find drunks funny. Arthur really grates on me. And Liza Minelli is just unsightly.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


'cause they're STOOPID!

just saw it yesterday and i liked it very much.

"Everyone you lost, and saved...
Nothing will remain. Cradle or grave."


Loved this film since I was a kid and watched it many times, drunk and sober I've always found the film very funny.


I love to watch this movie.

If you're actually able to accept and tolerate weakness in your movie characters, you can definitely love the original Arthur.

I can not believe they tried to remake this... and with an inferior actor as Arthur himself.

I mean, now, looking back, we can see how good of an actor Dudley was. I mean, he wasn't trying for laughs with EVERY pitfall. He was just living that character. And, making us laugh in the process, because we saw Arthur's good nature... even drunk.


I think because humor is quite the subjective thing, some may not see the humor in this film.

It is also not PC to find humor in a drunk, and we've become as a nation far too PC.

This film made me almost die laughing when it first came out, and it still does the job. In fact, I had to originally see it twice to get the jokes I couldn't hear over the laughter!

An all-around classy film with a sweet story, great production values, and fine performances all around (yes, even Liza!!) And the public must have agreed, since it grossed twelve times what it cost to make, and won two Oscars!


Well put. After seeing over 3000 films in my lifetime I will always have a special place for it in my heart. If not a 10 no worse than a 9. To remake this film was sinful. Is the writing of new scripts that scarce today??????



Favorite comedy of all time, and second favorite film film of all time. I love Arthur.


I want to know who "everyone" is according to the op. This thread has many responses and only a couple negative about the movie. If this were really a hated movie, vultures would have jumped on this topic and started to tear "Arthur" to shreds. Many of us may agree that it may have too low an imdb rating, but 6.7 hardly gives an impression that many people hate the movie.


I have never met anybody who has seen this movie who didn't absolutely love it. With that said, Every person I have ever discussed this film with has been at least in their mid/late 30's, usually older.

I believe that is a good reason why this doesn't have outstanding ratings. IMDB is essentially flooded with a very young demographic. Arthur is not really the type of comedy which appeals to a young demographic. The comedy is mostly too dry for that age group.


That is weird. I don't anyone who doesn't love this movie!

"What is necessary is never unwise." -- Sarek.


In my world - a 6.6 is a solid movie that doesn't blow you away, but far from hated.

With that said, I feel Arthur was very mediocre all the way around. A couple funny parts but parts that miss also. Worth viewing but far from great.

5 / 10
