MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > How is it everyone hates this movie?

How is it everyone hates this movie?

6.6 average rating? Do people have no sense of humor?

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I probably own 500 dvd's, yet 'Arthur" remains my favorite movie of all time. Yes, i know it's just a simple comedy. The 1st time i saw this movie in the theater, i was laughing out loud right from the beginning. The opening scene when they are driving along and you have not even seen Dudley yet, just his laughing is funny! I've seen the movie so many times, i know it word for word.


I find that "old" movies (60s, 70s, 80s), even those that are critically and commercially successful (such as this one), are often forgotten by the next generation and list makers alike unless they are the products of auteurs (Woody, Scorsese, Kubrick, Speilberg, Coppola, Lumet, Fosse, etc). I've noticed this with other critical and commercial smashes like The China Syndrome, Shampoo, Kramer vs. Kramer, Broadcast News, etc. People do sort of a Cliff Notes version of "great" films of that era and include the auteur ones first. Given all that, I'm still surprised the rating for Arthur is THIS low - I would have predicted low 7s.

When life gives you lemons, make Limoncello.


Maybe it's Dudley Moore's impossible to tolerate drunken laughter?


I've always liked it!


I thought it was very funny thirty years ago, but I'm watching it on TCM now, and the jokes seem so cringeworthy, just like Arthur himself. Gielgud gets off some good lines, though. Weird to see LA Law's Jill Eikenberry as Arthur's fiancee.
This is one comedy that has not aged well. 'Charmless' is the word I would use.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"




Maybe people who rate movies on IMDB don't like "Arthur", but everyone I know loves it.


I love this movie! Always have and always will. I gave it a 10 since there is no 11. The tripe they make now is no comparison to this classic film. The remake was complete garbage.


I know right? I gave it a strong 9. People are dumb. But im always surprised by overall ratings on IMDB <---Rock/Alternative/Reggae/Metal'ish sound from Chicago IL


I certainoly don't hate it, one of the best comedies of all time no doubt about it.

They think we're the demons now - Prue Halliwell ~ All Hell Breaks Loose ~ Charmed
