MovieChat Forums > Arthur (1981) Discussion > How is it everyone hates this movie?

How is it everyone hates this movie?

6.6 average rating? Do people have no sense of humor?

the Psi Corps is your friend


I love this movie.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


I agree. In my opinion the greatest comedy ever committed to film.


I agree. I tend to shy away from "of all time" declarations because once you move from the realm of the merely great to the truly sublime, the notion of one of those movies being simply "better" than another begins to lose all meaning. That said, if there was ever a comedy that might merit that kind of absolutist judgment, ARTHUR would be it.

ARTHUR is hated by people A) too slow or insensible to grasp the humor, B) too vain to be seen liking something the hopelessly vain and parochial mainstream critics have disallowed since its release, or C) with some sort of social or political axe to grind. In my experience, ARTHUR is adored by virtually everyone who doesn't fall into one of those three categories--not just liked; not just respected; adored, in much the same way IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, a marginal film in most critics' eyes of the time and even today, is adored by the mass of people possessing normal intelligence and no particular axe to grind. That's only my opinion, of course, but I'd happily defend it if I were going to be returning here anytime soon.


<<ARTHUR is hated by people A) too slow or insensible to grasp the humor, B) too vain to be seen liking something the hopelessly vain and parochial mainstream critics have disallowed since its release, or C) with some sort of social or political axe to grind

And Arthur is loved by the kind of people who think sloppy drunks are hilarious. I am not grinding a political axe. Alcoholism ruins lives.

"Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?"


And Arthur is loved by the kind of people who think sloppy drunks are hilarious.

No. It's loved by people that appreciate great, lighthearted, FICTIONAL comedy.

Alcoholism ruins lives.

Definitely agree with you there!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!




This is a fantastic movie. Comedies rarely have ultra high ratings though because there are so many different types of humor out there, thus comedies usually have a hard time speaking to a mass audience.

We'll take the whole shebang, all or nothing, anything!


I don't think hate is the right word but I am very, very surprised that the rating is not much, much higher.

At least its up to 6.7 since the OP, but to my mind the picture is incredible (at least for what it is).

What no one can dispute is that is iconic.


I'm a little surprised it's rated as low as this as well. It's a classic! The relationship between Arthur and Hobson is great. I just love Hobson. :)


6.6? That *beep* crazy man! Its an absolutely brilliant comedy. A classic.

Dudley Moore literally invented the drunk comedy bit with this movie.


As far as IMDb goes, this film is criminally underrated. It does have an 89% fresh rating over on RT, though, which is pretty glowing.

This movie's a classic. Very old-school, almost borderline screwball comedy. I could picture Groucho Marx saying a lot of Arthur's lines. Great stuff.


I'm rarely surprised by an IMDB ranking, but I was shocked by this one. I thought it would be in the mid 7's. There are a lot of really bad movies with similar ratings.


6.6 is fair. I find Liza to be somewhat annoying in this film. I didn't find her acting or on screen prescence all that great in this film.


I hated this film. I'm generally a fan of Dudley Moore but I found him extremely annoying in this film, especially his "drunk laugh". I also found Liza very irritating.

The supporting cast were excellent (especially the butler), and there is nothing wrong with simple feelgood movies. But a sentimental film, with two unlikeable leads you are supposed to care about - I think that's why this film is not rated higher. I personally didn't engage with it at all.


i agree with you. i don't care one way or the other about the two leads because they seem shallow and insipid. plus, drunks don't act like dudley moore. if i want to see a realistic performance of an alcoholic, i'll watch "leaving las vegas". it seems silly to pretend he's a "happy drunk". no drunk is really happy.

i love john gielgud and her father, but those parts don't support the movie enough for me to be interested. i think it's rated exactly where it should be, maybe a little lower like a 6.2.

i wouldn't ever recommend it to anyone.


Hate this movie? It's in my friggin' TOP TEN!!!


I personally find this movie hysterical... Definitely in my top ten comedies of all time. Dudley Moore was a comedic genius...RIP.


7 million dollar budget, to an 88 plus million total gross. In what world does that math add up too "everyone hates this movie"?

(K) eira

K (N) ightley

(O) rlando

(B) loom

Need I say more?


Probably because the "drunk humor" isn't appreciated like it used to be. Arthur comes off today as a disgusting drunk, and nowhere near as funny as he thinks he is. Also, any woman who would marry a long-time drunk, no matter how rich, would be an idiot.


There's a lot of sober women married to alcoholics out there.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


<<There's a lot of sober women married to alcoholics out there.>>

Yeah, and it's not funny.


Superbad, Knocked Up, The Hangover, Sideways, Bad Santa, Old School, Get Him To the Greek, American Wedding
