Why is it rated R?

By looking at reviews and summaries and everything I don't get why it's rated R.


This movie was more of a soft R; it were graded today it would make the PG13 rating (which didn't exist them). If the scenes with Ike and Bliss had been actually filmed, it would have definitely been an R.

For those wondering why, however:

1) Bliss' classroom scene, where the boys were apparently doing something under the desks....
2) The gay running gag (one of the instructors does his level best to get the boys naked).
3) The disrespect to authority.
4) Raunchy humor.
5) Racist humor.
6) Sex with underage characters (and apparently actors); Oliver gets some offscreen.



Probably the gay-pedophile Skip Sisson character ("Be like a cloud floating across the moor").


Probably because of the gay teacher Skip Sisson and suggestions of pedophile relationships he had with the students (be like a cloud, floating across the moor...)
