The Music

Is it just me, or does the music of the 80s really not age well? That's the only thing that really got me about this movie (seeing it for the first time, I'm 20 y/o American if that helps you see my perspective). Other than that, it's a brilliant, brilliant film, ten times the movie Scarface could ever want to be. But the awful electronic music just kills me every time it comes on.

Still fantastic but it dates itself so horribly. Compare this to the 60s and 70s when for the most part the music was just fine really, hell I like the soundtracks of a lot of movies from that time (The Thomas Crown Affair comes to mind) a lot.


So you're 34/35 now but this same type of music has actually made a resurgence in the form of Vaporwave and other electronic music that draws immense inspiration from the 70s and 80s and most of those artists are in your age range. Seems like you're the one who's outdated. Yikes!
