I really wish they had head on camera shots of the AT AT drivers

like they had of the Tie Fighter Pilots in the first film.


Good point, I guess we just see the commander guy in the AT-AT. I wonder what the drivers of those things looked like? Imperial Naval troops? Snowtroopers? It would have been cool to see who operated them. i imagine it would have been a team of them---drivers, tech support systems and communications and radar along with gunners.


They have pictures of them including the box for the old Kenner toys it’s just that they don’t have them in the film which bothers me whenever I watch it.


Okay, just looked it up. I can't recall seeing them before. Looks like basically a stormtrooper with some specialized gear on him. Hope that they had some good shock absorbers on those things as that would be heck for the crews in them.

The one thing that I never understood was the manner in which the rebel craft kept flying directly at them. The AT-ATs only fired towards the front as far as I could see. I guess their armor was probably too tough to penetrate everywhere else. Maybe the less armored front would have been their weakest point. I heard that is where fighter aircraft preferred to attack bombers in WW II. Made some sense as you could take out the pilots and the things that operated the plane.


I always thought they looked cool.


I remember seeing something about how they were just black TIE fighter pilot helmets from ANH repurposed with an off-white paint scheme. One of them turned up in a prop shop with scratches and stuff which verified it as one of the screen-used items.

May have been an Adam Savage video or something.
