This or Airplane?

After watching the movie about National Lampoon on Netflix, I'm wondering how Airplane could have upstaged Caddyshack at the theaters. Airplane is funny, but is it as funny as Caddyshack?


Definitely Caddyshack is the superior movie.



Good point.


It may sound paradoxical, but Airplane is the more consistent movie. It's nonsensical, but that's the tone that's set from the get-go, and it never breaks character. And as a nonsensical, slapstick film, it's one of the best. Caddyshack, on the other hand, is something of a mess. It's got plots and subplots that come and go, some of which vanish and never reappear, as if Tommy Wiseau was at the helm. It's saving grace is the caliber of the comedians. Chase and Dangerfield were in their prime, and Bill Murray did what only he can do.

The end result, for me anyway, is that Airplane is a film I can watch and enjoy from start to finish; Caddyshack has great moments but isn't a film I enjoy in its entirety.


Interesting comments. Caddyshack may have suffered from too many coked-up chefs in the kitchen.


That's like saying 'The Beatles' or 'The Rolling Stones'?


Is it? Thanks!


Airplane, easily. It’s a revolutionary comedy landmark, and a meticulously crafted film with a strong plot on which to hang all the absurd and hilarious gags.

Caddychack is what happens when some coked up comedians get ahold of a camera. It has some funny moments but doesn’t hold together at all.


I find Caddyshack timeless and still watch it and quote from it.

I have tried to wat h Airplane recently and can't do it. That may be because I watched the source Zero Hour! and found so unintentionally funny that it killed Airplane for me. I still quote Airplane.
