MovieChat Forums > Cannibal Holocaust (1985) Discussion > No animal should ever be killed for a fi...

No animal should ever be killed for a film

It doesn't matter if it is for shock value or whatever. It is cruel, unnecessary and just sick. Now i know there are a lot of immature people who will respond with 'how cool' it is to see them die, etc. But honestly, it is not. This is just absolutley pathetic and should have never happened and should never happen again.


*beep* that stupid, Liberal *beep* No matter how you look at it, looking past the ammount of the given species - Earth itself is not large enough, not vegetated enough and not microcellularly advanced enough in terms of it's ammount/effectiveness of Autotrophic life to support the Heterotrophs.

Basically, *beep* off. I know it's a living thing, I know it has feelings, but when an animal is killed decently quick enough or at least humanely for film or for art, I could care less.

Great example of when an animal was killed for a film, and pretty brutally I might add: Apocalypse Now. During the climax, real tribesmen were paid to perform the ceremony titled 'The Blood Lust'. In this scene, three or four men hack at the legs, neck, hip and calves of a bull which is STANDING as the attack commences, but just seconds later, it falls not from pain, but because leg seperates and the head falls off.

"Twilight crawled across the sky, laden with foreboding."


"You should watch footage of animals being slaughtered for your consumption. Their deaths make the deaths of all the animals in C.H. look like strawberry ice cream with pretty sprinkles on top. I seen a video of a pig being slaughtered alive with a chainsaw, and let me just tell you, they didn't start with severing the head first. So the next time you want to complain about animal abuse in a movie that happened so long a go, you should visit your local slaughterhouse, stop eating meat and wearing leather, because that piece of meat or chicken you are eating most likely suffered way more that the animals in CH did."

Thank you krissy81. I love how people choose their anger. They are outraged that 20-30 years ago animals were killed in a movie but not outraged over the animals being tortured today before they are slaughtered.

Dirty night.


Have you seen how they harvest the plants that you vegs eat. I mean who is to say they don't fell anything, they are alive aren't they?

The horror!!!!

We can all eat our veggies and wear pleather and be happy..

Don't know about you, but I do have four teeth that are used for tearing meat and I am gonna eat meat.

Don't bring up PETA either, they are the biggest liars of them all. How many animals do they kill a year?

If you want to be a smart ass, have some experience to back it up.





My opinion on this matter is that if you kill a living creature for food, you have to do it quick.
Anyone who tortures an animal because he understands that he can't be punished for that is a pathetic excuse for a human being.
He would do the same to fellow human if he knew he couldn't be punished.

What's funny is that in CH when animals are killed its "OMG WRONG", but if the crew told they ate them afterawards it's "Ooooh, ok then".That's hypocritical.


Did you read that PDF you linked to? The animals that died were picked up as strays and died on the way to the clinic. Sometimes animals are so far gone (on the brink of death by starvation, dehydrated--and you can't just give them water, you have to hook them up via IV to fluids) that they can't even last just the few remaining minutes to the hospital. If you've ever watched any pet cops shows on Animal Planet you'd know this.


If it's so acceptable to kill animals for entertainment, or you defend it because 'it's essential to the plot' then surely the logical progression of that argument is that human beings should be killed in the same way. Why just fake it because it's a human being? As for slaughtering for food, there are humane ways of killing animals, it doesn't have to be cruel and long-drawn out. Humans are actually meat-eating creatures, as are some animals, so are you saying that all living creatures should become vegetarians? I don't think my cats would live long on carrots, lettuce and potatoes. The fact is you do not have to kill animals for entertainment in any circumstances, just as you don't kill humans.


"If it's so acceptable to kill animals for entertainment, or you defend it because 'it's essential to the plot' then surely the logical progression of that argument is that human beings should be killed in the same way. Why just fake it because it's a human being? As for slaughtering for food, there are humane ways of killing animals, it doesn't have to be cruel and long-drawn out."

By using your own logic, one could argue "If it's so acceptable to kill animals for food, or you defend it because 'it's essential for nutritious needs' then surely the logical progression of that argument is that human beings should be killed in the same way."

Stop trying to define right and wrong in absolute terms. I'm no fan of animal cruelty on film myself, but the level of hypocrisy in this debate is astounding.


I know abattoirs are no picnic but where they hell do they kill pigs with a chainsaw? I thought it was done with bolts or electricity. After that it is pretty messy (I've seen it on TV) but at least the bloody thing is dead by then.
Anyway this movie did remind me of hunting in many ways the animals didn't need to be killed it was done for entertainment whether they ate them afterwards or not. A crappy movie that didn't shock me half as much as I thought it would but made me wonder about the people involved. You would have to be either the most insensitive baboon on the planet or sick.


You would have to be either the most insensitive baboon on the planet or sick

Actually baboons are quite sensitive!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I'm not sure about the chainsaw, but there was a VHS in the eighties making the rounds called True Gore that had a pig being burned with some kind of torch or some *beep* They would pause routinely and allow it to drink some water. It was pretty *beep* messed up. There was no point to it, it was just torture.

I think Monte Cazzaza was involved with that? Can't recall but I think it came out of the industrial music scene up near SF.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


There is absolutly nothing wrong with an animal being killed for a film. I doubt it should even effect it's rating if an animal is killed for a film and it should become a common thing for films.

Animals are sooo overrated. :P


Of course it's wrong.These animals didn't ahve to die,especially not that way...It's was plain cruel


Apocalypse Now is praised as one of the greatest films ever made and yet it does have a very violent scene of an animal killing.

Coppola defended putting the scene in the film by saying that it was a respected tradition amongst the natives. Regardless, it should not have been filmed and is the only flaw in an otherwise flawless film

Also, while Coppola is hailed as a genius for his work on Apocalypse, Ruggerio is condemned as a savage.

"A little consideration, a little thought for others, makes all the difference. Eeyore


Animal haters like you are creepy individuals because you have no respect for life. If only the south could declare more interest in humanity instead of inbreeding, they wouldn't be despised so much.

"It's never over!"
- The Tall Man


yeah it was gross...but did u know that about 500 cats and dogs died in the making of Milo & Otis because it was filmed in Japan and no one there really cared whether or not an animal died?


I know. I was disgusted when I found this out. I used to love that movie and then when I found out they killed all of them it really pissed me off. Now in CH they at least ate the animals they killed.

If you want to be a smart ass, have some experience to back it up.


This! Just because you don't see the killings in that film, does that make it okay?

And this was a movie that parents happily showed to their kids without even thinking. Come the *beep* on, how is a pug dog going to do in a fight with a freaking bear? People are stupid.

"It's better not to know so much about what things mean." David Lynch


The animal cruelty - That's the most disgusting thing about this movie. It is a cruel film... one of the cruelest I have seen, becasue for the most part everything looks so real. I liked it over all. But oh, so cruel!


Whine,whine,whine. You rent a movie that is total gore and shock value because you like to see the stuff and then moan about some animals being killed? If hypocritical little wankers didn't pay to see this sort of stuff,they wouldn't make it.



Even the director has said that killing the animals was a stupid idea. I don't understand the people who defend the killings, what if the humans had actually been killed and eaten by the "cannibals," would it then be okay because they were used for food? Just because they were eaten afterward doesn't make it any less cruel the way it was done.



If, if, if..

It didn't happen so why compare apples to oranges. Animals are killed like that everyday in one part of the world or another. Not everybody is civilised as we are.

Anyway it was over twenty years ago and they don't do that anymore so people should see it what it is for, shock value. It's the past nothing can be changed and you sure can't erase the memory from your head.

If you want to be a smart ass, have some experience to back it up.


I agree. This is one film I wish I'd never watched. I didn't know about the killings before I watched it. Anyway, I've always felt that it was just a gimmick... a way to be controversial and stand out - make a crappy film, but add some real killings and that will make it art, a masterpiece. Yeah, right! The movie is still crap and they have the blood of innocent animals on their hands. Sure these things happen every day around the world, but not for the sake of a film. That's my objection. You just don't do this stuff for a movie. Even if you don't have tons of money for a project there are ways to make a scene look real and horrific. This was just barbaric. I'm sure if the director could have gotten away with killing people and filming it he would have gladly done so. No "art" is EVER worth killing any living creature.





What's more moral then?

A cow being killed for beef that ends up in a greasy burger purchased by a fatty who craves the taste, takes one bite and chucks the burger out.


A couple of animals killed on camera to make an everlasting statement in film?

These creatures are stars, they've gone down in history and will always be remembered.

The turtle shoudl have gotten an oscar, the turtle didn't know it was important art. But it IS.


Dude, you are sick!
If they murdered a person on film that wouldn't be considered art, it'd be considered snuff.

P.S do you ever think before you post, you bloody-nit.
Death Is The Road To awe...


@ stonker101,

"A cow being killed for beef that ends up in a greasy burger purchased by a fatty who craves the taste, takes one bite and chucks the burger out. "

Who takes one bite of a burger and chucks it out? That was a pretty huge stretch.

Anyway, your point is moot. If you want to make an artistic statement using the death of an animal, why not fake it the same way you faked human deaths?

Even the director wishes he didn't bring animals into this movie (watch the DVD commentary). So, why are you hanging on to it so hard?
