MovieChat Forums > The Wiz (1978) Discussion > Am I the only one who finds it really ra...

Am I the only one who finds it really racist?

I dont think people would be happy if I decided to make films where the one rule is that EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the film HAD to be white!
There are dozens of films that seem to follow The Wiz's rule, and I feel pretty offended by it all. Its almost like the makers seems to be saying black people can only enjoy films with a black cast. We are not a different species!


great you feel like black people had felt for years during that time ...



You do realize the Wizard of Oz and countless others movies have all-white casts, right?

This is compared to the "dozens" of films like The Wiz.




Some folks just won't quit until they find something to get offended by.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


It's no more racist than The Wizard of Oz. If I can recall, there were no blacks in that cast. I hope you have a thread on that board too.

All typos and misspellings courtesy of a public educational system.


This AMAZINGLY racist, just like the N.A.A.C.P. B.E.T. and Affirmative Action.

100% Comic Book Purist, and Bloody Proud of it !



This AMAZINGLY racist, just like the N.A.A.C.P. B.E.T. and Affirmative Action.

Um,seriously? NONE of that is racist. I swear, some people are so damn ignorant of American history, it's pathetic. The NAACP started at a time (early 20th century) when black people were barely two generations out of slavery,and still didn't even have the right to vote, get certain jobs,or even housing (and when lynching a black person was still considered legal.) It was started by both black and white people,BTW--do the research, and stop spouting off about stuff you obviously don't know jack about (which is pretty much what half the stupid-a** trolls on these boards do.)

BET was started when cable was first becoming popular----every cable station is tailored to a specific audience, and BET was no different---it was aimed at provided media coverage for the needs,issues, and interests of black people. Ain't a damn thing racist about that, especially since virtually every other station aims at the interests of mainly white people. Look up the history of affirmative action, which nobody ever seems to understand.

Great devoe. Then here's the deal ; people need to make their own original material instead of stealing from classics that were written by white people. Can you imagine if they did a remake of a black concept with nothing but white people ? Oh, wait. That would never happen.

You are joking,aren't you? THE WIZ wasn't stolen from anyone,it was REMADE. Get the difference? Apparently you don't. Another stupid statement from another know-nothing fool.


Every film and every story is a reflection of its time. I am so glad I am not from your generation. We did just fine in the sixties and seventies and now you're throwing your politically correct religion on all of us. To be offended by the Wiz? A film I saw in '78 along with Grease and Halloween? Your generation is crazy! You probably find something wrong with all Charlie Brown TV specials too!
