Erica at the Doctor's

was anyone else ever thrown off by that scene? at first it really did seem like her doctor was being a compassionate, understanding "friend" when he offered to have a drink with her (though asking if she was seeing anyone did seem a little inappropriate, even though it was in the context of getting past her marriage ending) but when she pointed out that he'd never asked when she was married (because he'd made it seem like they were "friends") it suddenly did feel like he was coming on in a very sly and disturbing way. Espec since the scene opened with her sitting up in the exam room and him washing his hands and telling her to get dressed (even though a nurse had been there)


The scene struck me as memorably odd, too, for somewhat different reasons. Yes, the doctor both exhibited compassion and made a tepid pass, and Erica overreacted to it. I suspect that the consensus among medical ethicists is stricter about this thing nowadays (partly because many more physicians are women), but even allowing for that change, how come Erica showed only a little more outrage when Bob, the lunch date with the comb-over, actually made a body-contact grope a few minutes later?

Moreover, consider how differently Erica treated Charley, the Disco-Stu type who repeatedly hit on her at work, even when she thought she was happily married? She merely laughed his disgusting comments off, and even eventually went to bed with him! Huh??? The doc and Bob at least indicated signs of humanity; Charley was a cold-blooded horn-dog; I can't imagine why she favored him, unless it was the fact that he was better looking than the other two guys.

Erica's inconsistency might have been intentional on the part of the filmakers. These three guys appeared early in the movie, so perhaps their characters allowed us to see Erica passing from being unrealistic about her husband's passion, into a stage of feeling hurt, disoriented, and touchy. Then, of course, she met Saul.



I agree, and when I see it's a comedy, some of the scene try to poke fun at our contradictions. The humor didn't come across immediately, but it could be how it's told. One character saw drama and one character saw comedy.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


Erica's therapist in so many words told her to stop wallowing in her own depressing shit and just go out and get laid. Charlie was the quickest/easiest option, and that's all he was to her. She never for a moment saw him as someone she would be in a relationship with.

The world is now full of people who are apparently just too young to know: after the "Sexual Revolution" in the late 1960s, lots of otherwise respectable grown ass adults were running around fucking whoever they felt like without a second thought. The only reason it stopped was A.I.D.S. in 1983.


The world is now full of people who are apparently just too young to know: after the "Sexual Revolution" in the late 1960s, lots of otherwise respectable grown ass adults were running around fucking whoever they felt like without a second thought. The only reason it stopped was A.I.D.S. in 1983

AIDS slowed it but never stopped it. Good point though.
