MovieChat Forums > Laserblast (1978) Discussion > what sane person would give this anythin...

what sane person would give this anything over a 4?

HOW DID 8.7% RATE THIS A TEN?!!! Maybe if you knew one of the actors or something I could see giving it a 4, but otherwise anything over a 2 and your messed up. This was absolutely terrible.


Maybe they grew-up with this movie ...
Maybe they had sweet memory about this movie ...
Maybe they think this movie deserve 4 .. so they give 10 to increase the rating to be 4 ...

Anyway, this is my childhood movie :) The story is nothing, the visual effect is nothing ... deserve 4? okay, its B-movies allright .. C-movies maybe ... but this movie made me remember my childhood ... when me and my friend tried to make the laserblast weapon with thick paper etc. .... that's called the X-factor ... that's why I could still enjoy this movie .... :)



Some people rate "So bad their good" movies 10/10.

However I gave it a 2 (Reviewed it too) and I didn't find it funny, just dull.


Yeah, you have the freedom of choice to rate this thing over a 4 (I think rating it above a two makes one an idiot), and likewise, others have the freedom of speech to call you an idiot when you rate movies like one more than a 2. So NEENER NEENER, ya idiot. This movie was horrible, even using 1978 standards. My IQ dropped 10 points just from renting this trash, and dropped another 20 points because I was stupid enough to sit through the whole blasted (that would be play on words, or "pun" for those who rated this higher than a 2) thing. I'm down 30 in my intelligence quotient, which still makes me at least double that of anyone who rates this movie more than a 2.


dude you actually watched the non-MST3K version? I feel sorry for the pain you've endured.


I have fond memories of this movie from when I was a kid so I gave it an 8. I daren't watch it again as it'll probably spoil the whole illusion and I'll have to give it a 3. :)


I wholeheartedly agree with the previous poster. Parts of this movie have remained stuck in my head for over 25 years. I remember i saw it twice in one day when was 6-7 years old. probably didnt understand a thing, but all i remember were two aliens and a guy with a laser gun for an arm. I'm not sure if thats correct, but that is my memory of it after all this time. i even remembered the title of this movie. Little boys and monsters, right?
I do want to see it again, but at the same time i dont. I know it will be awful and i just dont want to destroy any memories i might have. If i gave this a rating, it would be for the fact it has stayed in my head after so long, and not for the quality of the film. So i will not rate it.
so many of these ratings are innacurate already.


I know a guy who it's his favorite movie he was a special camper

Same thing we do every night try to take over the world


The first time I had ever seen this movie I was a kid during the early to mid 80's. Well if you go to the mid 80's I was a teenager at that time. I am not 35 years old and remember waiting to go rollerskating and this was on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon. I remember the aliens and the kid who was always teased and picked on given this like gun by a alien and then he went out and started to kill people. This has stuck in my memories for many years now. I thought it was a ok movie to watch but was not the best you know. I have seen this movie at my local video store but passed up the chances to watch it to see something else instead. I have seen far worse movies than this that did not make any sense at all!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


So were the aliens bad guys in this movie? They didn't seem to want to conquer the world but just what was their connection to the alien that they killed at the start of the movie?


I am not sure if the aliens were present in this movie or not because it has been so long since I have seen this movie that I cannot remember. No network station will show a movie like this and it is a shame you know.

I loved watching movies like this all of the time! That is why I am trying to get a great show called USA UP ALL NIGHT back on the USA Network again!

Dedicated to USA UP ALL NIGHT and the fans of the show!


People who like subversive cinema will take anything you think is trash and elevate it to treasure.

p.s. OP: Did you really cry over Nestor The Long Eared Christmas Donkey?


Some idiots like to give the worst movies ever a perfect score and the best movies ever the lowest possible score. This has been a problem since anonymous ratings systems were invented.

IMHO these people should be randomly sought out and put to death.


ComfortablySad, you make it sound like there's an iron proof method to separating the wheat from the chaff. How do you know that people don't genuinely love this movie?

And your last comment makes it sound like you think that IMDB ratings really matter!


I genuinely love this movie, but I voted it a 1 rating. I wrote a comment about it a few years ago, and I think I said I wished I could give it a zero. It's so bad it's good!


This film is so bad even the cool guys at MST3K can't make it better. Abysmal. Simply the worst.


I agree, I finished watching the MST3K episode yesterday, but I had to take a few breaks. I certainly couldn't manage it without the robot's input.

ººº And then it steals your... soooooooul! ººº


I gave this film a ten because it totally rocks, man!

"We're all part Shatner/And part James Dean/Part Warren Oates/And Steven McQueen"


Hideous, but i do enjoy the MST3K version. To think that I was a kid when this came out...God, I'm glad I didn't see it then. I'm sure it would have done irreperable damage to my psyche and stunted my physical growth as well.


Did you ever take a girl on a date to a movie that was the worst movie you ever saw in your life? Well I did, and Laserblast was that movie. Of course, the date went downhill from there. Maybe I lost this beautiful woman because of this movie. But I'll never know that for sure. What a nightmare that date turned into. Thanks, Laserblast. I'd give this movie a 1 out of 10.


I have fond memories of this film as the 2nd biller at a drive-in movie theatre, at age 17, drinking a cooler full of icebox wine like Boone's Farm and Annie Green Springs with a half-dozen of my high school stoner friends. Good times. We knew it was awful, but it was entertaining, and as I recall, this film had one pretty good stop-motion animation sequence... what's not to love about a bad drive-in movie flick? I can't even remember the 1st film of that double feature, but this one will stay with me.
