MovieChat Forums > Dawn of the Dead Discussion > the 8 rating is too high.

the 8 rating is too high.

the soundtrack is a joke.


Which soundtrack? I enjoyed quite a bit of what Goblin contributed, but the library stock music was awesome, too! I love the music that played in the beginning inside those apartments. I think an 8 is very fair for this film as it provides plenty of action, a good story, some comedic elements and some doses of scariness, particularly when Roger is repairing those trucks outside and the zombies bit his leg. Day of the Dead will always be my favorite of the original trilogy, but Dawn is an all-time classic, in my opinion.


The soundtrack was comical.


Yeah, there were some comical tracks, like the music being played during the pie scene, but these tracks here really set the mood:

This reminds me of traversing the mansion in the original Resident Evil game


Actually the 8 rating is too low. And the soundtrack is fantastic.


Reminded me of The Three Stooges. Such a drop from Night of the Living Dead.


Actually it’s just as good as NOTLD if not better.


There are a few goofy tracks. I'm really not a fan of the pie sequence, and that and a few other goofy elements in Dawn are a pretty big part of why it's the Dead film I appreciate least of the main 3. But, as much as I love the great atmospheric score in NotLD, I fucking love what Goblin did with the music here. As soon as someone mentions this movie you can find me blasting the title theme. Day's soundtrack is incredible too.
