this film is completely awful. ever been to art school? i think ive seen bits of this film in video class. weirdness for its own sake, awful acting. events that would be shocking end up meaningless.they killed again, who cares. everything supposedly "alternative" rolled together for a big soup of dullness. this movie is in no way on par with clockwork orange and a comparison is offensive. Still photos of the film would be more interesting for their colors and objects. The movie exudes boredom and nothing else, watching it is like being locked in a closet with dull suburbanite "weirdos" for 100 minutes, example: the character mad holding a knife in her teeth, why cus she thinks it looks cool? the brothers angel and sphinx "hey u sat on my ky jelly" is this to point out that their gay, big deal, like we couldnt already tell, carving love into the other ladies back, who wrote this thing? its REDUNDANT. I recommend it to NO ONE.


If this movie made the OP waste so much of his precious time by writing a long-winding and unstructured rant, then it's a good movie.

He should learn some English, though.



I think you may find the film less "masturbatory" if you took your hand away from your penis.


Easier said than done.


OP is absolutely right.
Comparing it to A Clockwork Orange is complete blasphemy.
It could have been good, however, they rely way to much on trying to be "Out there" and "punk" to the point that the film becomes tedious, the characters become boring ect.

Anyway, I don't even understand why people say this film is so subversive and shocking, it's like the most anti-punk, anti-radical film i've ever seen. It's like the director tried to make a John Waters style trash film but then slowly went crazy as he sat by his typewriter thinking of all the crazy ridiculous things his characters could do and then forgot to finish half of them. It doesn't embrace the grotesque and meaningless, it laughs at it and exploits it. The only redeeming feature is the music and the last 5 minutes when everything is so quickly wrapped up and you realise it does actually have some intelligence... however, that 5 minutes was not worth the 95 minutes wanting to slap Amyl Nitrate for being so annoying.

Watching this film, reminded me of last year when I had to get the night bus home from Camden and I had to sit there alone with these screaming, jumping and stomping 'punks' singing along to "God Save The Queen" on their *beep* mobile phone speakers over and over again for 40 minutes. Except the film lasted 60 minutes more than that.


I didn't think this film could possibly be as bad as you said so, rather than purchase it, I checked it out from the public library and TRIED TO watch it. I got about a third of the way through it before I got fed up and turned it off.

I wanted to like it as I knew about half of the cast from music groups and other films but the complete lack of direction and poor writing drove me to apathy about what might happen next.

Thinking this must be one of Derek Jarman's first films I came to to see how it fit into the rest of his work. I was surprised to see that it wasn't anywhere near his first films. I can only assume that Jarman has a severe drug habit. It's the only thing that would cause a filmmaker to turn out nonsense like this.



Ban this film
