MovieChat Forums > Second City TV (1977) Discussion > Ever use lines from sketches in real lif...

Ever use lines from sketches in real life?

I like asking people from out of town, "Did you drove or did you flew?", just to watch their reactions. More often than not, they catch on, but it's pretty amusing when they just stare.

"I want to bear your children!" comes up more often than not, but I can't do the crazed Lola laugh anymore.

"Blow 'em up real good!"

And hardly anyone gets it, but "What the what?"


The "Blow'd up real good" gets a decent amount of usage, as does Count Floyd's "Ooooh, scary makes you want to <pause> suck your own blood or something."


"HOWARYA !" with Bobby Bittman-esque "jazz hands".


Margaret Meehan's clueless "Dewey Decimal System?"


Occasionally when I'm pleased by something, I will use this line from Martin Short's brilliant "Jerry Lewis Live on the Champs Elysses" (sp?):

"That makes me feel good...a lot."


"I love yeew, yew pûssycats. Does anyone mind if I smoke?" *nerdy laugh*

God, I can't believe this got bumped up. Okay, lately I've using "you make me wanna peeeeyuuuuuuuuuuuuuke" Flaherty-style in response to anything that disgusts me. And from Garth & Gord etc, "I'm bummed oot" if I'm bummed oot... or if I saw a mouse in the house.


hahahahhahahhahahaha ALL THE TIME!


"A wild heard of cariabou has surrounded the city....."



I often sing "turning Japanese".


Singing Ferry Cross the Mersey, Cognac-style is even better.


Or "What I Did For Love" Perry Como-style, lying flat on the stage: "Kiss today............goodbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye" (tap forefinger)...


lol, Perry Como. "I thought he was slightly more energetic this evening!"



I use the Sid Dithers line as well. And Count Floyd's, "Ooh, scaaaady kids!" And I like to try to do Martin Short's face as Brock Linehan and he was being emotionally crushed in some way.

Whenever I see or hear "Star Wars", I have to imitate Guy Caballero saying, "Staaaarr Wars".

Oh, and Merv Griffin saying, "We'll be right back"

I want the DVDs now! I so miss that show! :)




Mr. Messenger's line: "I'll have lots, please."
