Other creepy kids shows?

What other creepy, eerie kids shows from the 70's or 80's can anyone remember?


the gemini factor from the 80's was my favourite.


I was 14 at the time and fell madly in love with the weird posh girl.


The shows you are mentioning sound interesting. Too much they are in PAL though. I'm an American and I liked Tomorrow People. I wish to investigate shows like that.


Not a kids show, but I do remember a play called The Stone Tape. Iain Cuthbertson was in that too. Scared me.
The Owl Service was very weird. The book was weirder!


The Stone Tape was brilliant then again it was by Nigel Kneale the man was stunning.


Years ago, someone asked about a kids' TV show involving a cave at the end...could well be The Changes, but it could also be The Moon Stallion. Look it up! I remember it well, sounds awfully like the one described.


I don't remember Moon Stallion but I shall look into it on your advice


The Moon Stallion! I have been trying to remember the name of that tv series for ages. Thanks for that. Remember watching it, but it was on at funny times so I missed some of it. It was in the days before affordable video recorders. Might try and see if there is a dvd of it available. Thanks once again!


Hi there!

I'm portuguese and in my country, when I was quite young (I couldn't read the subtitles yet, so I imagine it was circa 1986 or earlier) it was aired a tv series that I think was british and that I would love to know it's title and maybe see some scenes again because it has haunted me untill now. Here are some topics of what I recall:
- the main character was a young girl that lived in a big house and that could travel to other dimensions by running around a statue in the garden of the house (I know that this seems like moondial but i've seens the episodes on youtube and it's not the same thing);
-there were scenes were a bunch of children in that other dimension danced around a maypole
- I think the girl wasn't very happy in the house were she lived and she often went to that other dimension were there were many children.
I can't recall anything else, only vague images and I hope I'm not mixing a bunch of shows... If it aired at my country at that time it probably is a bit older than 1986. I'm not 100% sure it was british but the ambiance of the show with the maypole makes me think it is...
Can anyone help me? Thanks!


Does anyone remember a serie involving misterious gnomegardens and kids resolving things?

My two cents, bye


I don't remember gnomegardens, but there was a spooky series from the seventies I remember

It was two episodes long

It was re-run several times, usually during the daytime.

I remember a girl going to visit a woodland on a hill, in which there was a cave she crawled into.

In the second episode she crawled down the cave to find a skeleton.

I also remember a scene with a group of people travelling on a bus.

Any ideas?


There's a gnomelike statue in a garden that sets things in motion in "The Witches and the Grinnygog", another one that Nickelodeon used to air. I have it on tape, but I also found it on YouTube. It was as good as I remembered. I was an adult then, and it was a wonderful channel to watch!

I wish I could have seen some of the ones mentioned. If they were on Nick, I must have missed them. Of course, I would have been working, so they might have been on during those hours.

I'm here because I was curious about this series when I came across the DVD. I didn't want to buy it "blind", so I thought I'd do some reading. My initial guess was that, since it was from that period, it would be good. The Sixties and Seventies had some excellent ones; they were aimed at youngsters but weren't "kiddish". Later, they started having children and adults overact, threw in a lot of slapstick, and dumbed down the writing. How sad... At least we have access to a lot of the older series and movies.

*** The trouble with reality is there is no background music. ***


Children of the Stones was genuinely creepy, especially the music. The Changes was very good too, one of those that really makes you think.
Another kids' show from the same time that also gave me the the creeps was King of the Castle, again with unforgettable music. Anyone else remember it?

The Long Walk stops every year, just once.


Jim'll Fix It.


Does "Saphire and Steel" count?


I may have overlooked it being mentioned but I remember the following to be great fun:

Under the Mountain (1981)

Two teenage twin siblings, Rachel and Theo, on a summer vacation in Aukland visiting their aunt and uncle, meet a certain Mr. Jones, a mysterious man who helped find them when they got lost in the woods eight years earlier. Mr. Jones turns out to be an alien fighter from a distant planet who wants their help in fighting an alien giant slug family of eight members led by a certain Mr. Wilberforce who have arrived on Earth with plans for world domination.
- Written by Matthew Patay


Knightmare had its moments! But I absolutely loved it. Lord Fear and Ariadne the spider were two of the scariest things on there.

Just watched Children of the Stones. So glad I didn't see it as a kid - I'd have crapped myself! But, as an adult, it's good fun.


Quatermass, released a couple of years later, also deals with leylines and stone circles; it was Matthew's painting that first reminded me



Such a sick thread!!
