MovieChat Forums > Race with the Devil (1975) Discussion > Do You Think There Should Be A Remake?

Do You Think There Should Be A Remake?

This may sound like an odd question, since most people seem to shy away from remakes, and hate them with a passion, but I figured since Hollywood seems bent on redoing all of the classics from the 70's (Texas Chainsaw..., Amittyville Horror, etc.), maybe they ought to remake this one. I had heard about Race with the Devil for years from my dad and mom (I'm 20 now), and being a confirmed horror flick buff (and future horror novelist, hopefully), I bought a copy of it on Ebay. I enjoyed the film, but I was a little disappointed at how corny it seemed, and how bad the special effects were. I sat there watching the movie (which has a great premise mind you, and some wonderful acting), but I saw some area's that could be changed, things that could be improved apon. I could see these things in my mind as I watched the film, and I started to see that a remake might actually be good, where the others have failed to reach the potential their originals set for them. I don't know, maybe I've been spoiled by the effects of my day, but then I think about films like Psycho and North by Northwest, and I realize that they did make some great films while not on the biggest effects buggets back in the old days. So maybe this title would be made better with the effects and writing of our day. What do you folks think (please be nice, I know most people hate remakes, and usually, I'm with you guys on that)?

We elected the wrong man, pray for America

Foster M. Wolf


I don't see any reason to. I think it was perfectly made as it was. I don't believe special effects could enhance the film at all.
