MovieChat Forums > Race with the Devil (1975) Discussion > Do You Think There Should Be A Remake?

Do You Think There Should Be A Remake?

This may sound like an odd question, since most people seem to shy away from remakes, and hate them with a passion, but I figured since Hollywood seems bent on redoing all of the classics from the 70's (Texas Chainsaw..., Amittyville Horror, etc.), maybe they ought to remake this one. I had heard about Race with the Devil for years from my dad and mom (I'm 20 now), and being a confirmed horror flick buff (and future horror novelist, hopefully), I bought a copy of it on Ebay. I enjoyed the film, but I was a little disappointed at how corny it seemed, and how bad the special effects were. I sat there watching the movie (which has a great premise mind you, and some wonderful acting), but I saw some area's that could be changed, things that could be improved apon. I could see these things in my mind as I watched the film, and I started to see that a remake might actually be good, where the others have failed to reach the potential their originals set for them. I don't know, maybe I've been spoiled by the effects of my day, but then I think about films like Psycho and North by Northwest, and I realize that they did make some great films while not on the biggest effects buggets back in the old days. So maybe this title would be made better with the effects and writing of our day. What do you folks think (please be nice, I know most people hate remakes, and usually, I'm with you guys on that)?

We elected the wrong man, pray for America

Foster M. Wolf


No, the first one is fine. I say come up with something original.


i think they should due a remake (which they are)why not everything else is being remade. the original was good. if they follow the original it might turn out to be good. i liked amityville (however it's spelled) remake, i liked the fog remake, i recently saw the hitcher remake and thought it was good.

my cat will rule the world!



How long is it going to take people to realize that most remakes suck. Have people not learned from the recent trend of crap to know that Race would be nothing but a pile of *beep*

beefmalone made a good point..."in this day & age of the internet and cell phones I just don't think the premise holds up"


Dead on warrior. The movie doesn't work today for the motor home itself was a status symbol in the mid seventies. The boys brag to themselves in the scene where they are getting drunk of how well they have done and indicate to the motor home. In truth, a well detailed RV was more than the average house at that time, but in the age of three dollar gasoline, they are quite cheap, less than a lot of cars. In the words or Hannibal Lector," tornado bate, trailer park, poor white trash", is sort of the current sentiment of the rolling house. They would have to chase the doomed heros in private jets today to have the same presences.

Also, the movie was resent post Charles Mansion and was realeased the summer after Helter Skelter came to the small screen. The idea of Devil worshiping and the occult was new and incredibly scary to most people at that time and the movie worked because it played on that fear. Now days,if we want to see the devil, we just turn to South Park.


"In truth, a well detailed RV was more than the average house at that time, but in the age of three dollar gasoline, they are quite cheap, less than a lot of cars. In the words or Hannibal Lector," tornado bate, trailer park, poor white trash", is sort of the current sentiment of the rolling house."

Less than alot of cars???
Poor white trash???

I know that this thread has lied dormant for a while, but have you looked at RV prices lately?

I recently fell in love with RWTD and it got me thinking... The RV they had was top of the line at the time. A freaking microwave and full size TV in your RV in '75!?! These guys were "living the life". If we were to put them in an RV in San Antonio, TX today I think it would be something like this:

Or if they had done REALLY well this:

Yes, you can get a used motorhomes for less; but I was trying to keep it in the context of the film.

I guess I'm white trash because I'd love to be able to drop $100k+ on an RV and hit the road!


Well, Sally, you may be a little bit, but that's all well and good. I see you're point and I'm sure if you wanted to, you could go over a quarter of a million on a customized RV. I was thinking of Deniro's RV in Meet the Flockers.

So I try to revert back to my main point, that I'm dubious that Devil worshipping and the Occult has the same fear factor that it produced in the Seventies.


It may be a bigger problem that the young'uns just don't relate. The romance and adventure of the Road Movie is pretty much over these days, cheap gas or not. Today, most of the people of the age of Oates, Fonda, Swit, and Parker in that movie are stuck to their game consoles, Facebook, or some other virtual alternative. As near as I can tell, they only leave their homes to go get drunk or eat out, especially since so many of them can't cook their own food according to a recent survey, which said 60 percent of people under 45 had no idea how to cook their own meal. Not conducive to life in an RV.


Theyve had some success with horror re-makes. Friday the 13th did quite well.
Race with the Devil is in development. Death Race was re-made, and Fast and Furious sequel is in the can, so a road movie may work quite well.


I think you're right Jones. I was very young in the seventies and I went to the movies and watched a lot of horror films that were garbage, yet was very entertained at the time.

Point being, there is always a market for horror. Even if it never gets a release, it profitable in the DVD and late night cable market.



No. It is a good film, and there is no reason to remake a good film.

Regardless I won't be seeing it.

Make something original you *beep* retards!


I totaly agree with you.
I saw RWTD at the cinema when it first came out and it was good edge on your seat entertainment, which will not be matched by any remake today.
To begin with you have two fine actors Warren Oats and Peter Fonda in the movie whose standard of acting is far superior to the rubbish that is comeing out now.
It puzzles me why Hollywood want to keep remaking films, when there are so many books, that have not been made yet, such as for horror buffs , what about the books of Dennis Wheatly like The Satanist. So far only three books of Wheatly's were made into films. The Lost Continent, The Devil Rides Out and To The Devil A Daughter.
Yes i agree leave this one alone.
Kevin Thomas.


Yes, Why not? I love the original film and no remake is going to change my mind about it, but,at least for me, is interesting see the re interpretation of the material. Hollywood have done remakes of lot of film (some crappys, some goods) and doesn´t give a $&% what fans can said... If you hate remakes, don´t watch it, if you like them, see it... if it makes new audience generation want to watch the original...them it worth...

Prostitute: What the *beep* are you doing?
Johnny: I'm gonna kill a bunch of people.


Not by the hair on your chinny chin chin!


Just wanted to say, really quick: I'm the guy who originally started this board, four years ago. I re-read a lot of the early comments, and I'm really sorry it became a political topic. I had a stupid signature, because I was young, and angry over the outcome of the '04 election. As it were, I apologize, and thank everyone for continuing the discussion.

"I said, uh, I'm-uh gonna go to Hell when I die," -Conan O'Brien

Foster M. Wolf


There absolutely should be a remake. BUT, only if they stick to the original script. The only changes there should be is to modernize the movie. The movie is just fine as is, and shouldn't be butchered with alot of changes.


No way in Hell!


Instead of remaking it just re-release the movie to the theatres so people can see it in a theatre where it's meant to be seen.
