MovieChat Forums > Fawlty Towers (1975) Discussion > Worst Fawlty tower episode

Worst Fawlty tower episode

This is an excellent series but I think there were one or two of them lacking.
My least favorite is the anniversary what about yours.


the waldorf salad is blah


My least favourite episodes are The Anniversary and Waldorf Salad.



Don't really want to pick one, but it definitely wouldn't be The Anniversary - it's not one of the very best maybe, but it has some classic bits and Polly making out she's Cybil is pure class. When she punches that woman for getting too close is one of the classic FT moments. It's probably one of the darker episodes if you analyse it and was possibly written by the pair with their own crumbling marriage very much in mind. For fans of Connie Booth, who is too often overlooked in this great sitcom, this episode is a must as it revolves around her for much of it. Its premise is totally different from other episodes and has to be one of the more inventive. I also love the Manuel versus Terry thread, all over who's going to cook the paella - the end scene has them at each other's throats on the kitchen floor - that episode's a scream! By reluctant process of elimination I would have to go for The Wedding Party as 'the worst episode', again it isn't bad at all, but is a little bit too similar to some others in a few of its scenes and is a little bit predictable.



The Anniversary


Sorry I just can't do it. Might as well ask me "what's your least favorite part of Beethoven's 9th symphony?" -- Some episodes were funnier than others (The Germans being the strongest), but I enjoy them all.


i'd have to say 'the wedding party' is the least funny episode.

everyone has been ragging on 'the anniversary' but i think it is quite funny. it just goes to show you the lengths a man - albeit a slightly neurotic one - will go to hide any shortcomings or embarrassments (ex: his wife walking out on him.) are the circumstances exaggerated? of course, they are. but it is still brilliantly pulled off.

now, despite the praise heaped upon 'the anniversary', the best episode far and away is 'the germans'!!!!

"i think my mask of sanity is about to slip..."


The anniversary is to me the least funny, and The wedding party followes closely. But how can you say that Waldorf salad is not funny because of that american? Yes, he is a bad guest, but that`s what makes him funny. And the whole series wouldn`t be funny if Fawlty towers was a great hotel.

And the relationship between Basil and Sybil wouldn`t be funny if they were a happy, loving married couple.


It seems pretty fussy to try to find a "Worst" episode of such a great series but I suppose The Anniversary is just about the weakest (still very good though).

Waldorf Salad is actually a favourite of mine and I really like the way the arrogant American is portrayed.

Basil: "I'm sorry if the roads weren't wide enough for you. A lot of the English cars have steering wheels, you know."

American: "Really? I'm surprised there's room for them inside!"


I've watched all 6 hours of these again to see which one I enjoyed the least. As with most other posters it comes down to either The Anniversary or Wardorf salad.

I don't understand the complaints that the American in Wardorf Salad is annoying and makes them feel uncomfortable. This is the whole point! It shows how far Basil is willing to stoop to better himself for a bit of cash in hand!

After much consideration, I found The Anniversary least convincing because it did get annoying and predictable. The guests would have left or Basil would have just told them the truth. There were few 'laugh out loud' moments and as others have said, it felt like a filler that could have been in a weaker sitcom that had nothing to do with a hotel.

The final proof that this is the weakest episode is the terrible ending. Cybil turns up so Basil has to pretend she's the lady in town who looks like her (moan). The guests are so poorly acting, supposedly being shocked, standing motionless in the lobby staring into the distance. Then the guests, who were so nosey throughout the show, just walk off without asking any questions.



i think anniversary was the worst one as well, the other one i didnt like that much is the wedding party


I really don't understand why so many people choose The Anniversary or Waldorf Salad as the worst.
Personally I don't think there's a single weak episode out of the whole 12. They're all hilarious.

"Sir, let those laugh that win."
