MovieChat Forums > Fawlty Towers (1975) Discussion > Worst Fawlty tower episode

Worst Fawlty tower episode

This is an excellent series but I think there were one or two of them lacking.
My least favorite is the anniversary what about yours.


Here's my take on the show, starting with the worst episode and ending with the best episode (a hierarchy of sorts, if you will):

The Builders - Though I get that the series was new at the time and the situations and characters weren't as rounded as they later became, this episode just feels flatter than all the others.
Hotel Inspectors - There were some clever moments but it just never really got off the ground. The no-holds-barred wackiness factor that made some of the later episodes work so well was also somewhat absent.
A Touch of Class - It felt to me more like an American sitcom trying to be British than the Fawlty Towers that we came to know and love. But it was still a promising start.
Waldorf Salad - Sybil actually got on my nerves more than the evil American tourist did. Also, why cut out Polly and Manuel? Basil's speech at the end was good though - "This is exactly how Nazi Germany started! Raus! Raus!"
The Wedding Party - It was damn funny, as always. The scene towards the end with the Frenchwoman and Basil saying "Oh, what a terrible dream" was great. I didn't really buy it, though, that Basil thought everybody was sleeping with everybody else.
The Anniversary - This one was good and crazy and full of lies and mistaken identities. But I don't think it's ever mentioned by anyone as a "favorite episode." Hmm, I wonder why...I guess it just lacked chutzpah.
Communication Problems - How can you not love Mrs. Richards?? LOL. Very solid episode.
The Kipper and the Corpse - Basil Fawlty+corpse=unbridled fun. My only criticism is the ending scene with the undertakers...could've been a little tighter in terms of writing. (I think John Cleese mentioned that, too.)
The Psychiatrist - This episode's crazy factor is just through the roof, and it's definitely up there among the greats, I think.
Gourmet Night - All of the angst that Basil goes through is extremely painful to watch, yet you can't take your eyes off of're just waiting for him to have a total nervous breakdown and utterly humiliate himself and destroy his reputation in Torquay forever, which is what makes this episode work.
Basil the Rat - Second-best episode. It's actually just as good as the best episode but doesn't make use of the multiple storylines I singled out for praise, so it loses a point.
The Germans - The best episode. The multiple storylines are what made it work so well, I think. The fire drill+the moose head+the exploits in the hospital+the final insulting of the Germans ("Don't mention the war!") was classic.


The worsts were the pyschiatrist and the wedding party both showing how all the humiliation that Basil has to endure, that was kind of cruel even if he was bit of a tightwad. I mean in the pyschiatrist I think Basil was done wrong considerably, I mean for goodness sake he was only doing his job, the guy sneaking the girl up his room felt like a live version of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner or more or less like Sylvester and Tweety. In the end that episode was a bit unfair because Sybill always catching in a very nasty spot with the hot looking guest.


Yes i think that psychatrist episode showen the writers were running out of good ideas it was getting a bit weak


My least favorite episode is The Wedding Party. It plays like an ordinary sitcom, not up to Fawlty Towers' high standards. It doesn't have a defining laugh-out-loud moment or a memorable guest.



I absolutely refuse to watch Waldorf Salad at all when I watch the series. I hate that one. That American oaf was so bullish and rude he irritated me. I didn't find him funny, just annoying...demanding the kitchen stay open FOR HIM like he's something special to begin with,....

It just wasn't funny. No humor. Just irritation. That one and The Germans are my 2 least favorite. Not crazy about The Builders either.

-------> Die Zeit ist um. Da ist nichts zu machen. Das wird sich finden.



I don't understand the huge fuss about the Germans. It is good and very funny, but I think there was too much going on in just the one episode.

My favourite episode is The Kipper and the Corpse though; always cracks me up!.

I'm not too keen on The Builders or The Psychiatrist but my least favourite has to be the Wedding Party.

Although the scene where Basil is supposedly spooning Manuel in the dining room was hilarious...!

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Although I think that all episodes are funny, I think that in the first season the worst episode was 'Gourmet Night' and in the second season the worst was 'The Aniversary'.

Lex Luthor: Gene Hackman + Michael Rosenbaum= Kevin Spacey the best Luthor.


The Builders was the least funny, especially when Sybil starts hitting the guy with the umbrella, a terrible scene. And I couldn't stand that character either.

Touch of Class was simply brilliant, far away from being the worst.

Gourmet Night wasn't as good as the other episodes, but I think The Builders is definitely the worst.



Interesting how most people have selected a series two episode as their least fav, when Cleese and Booth apparently thought the second series was far better (and funnier) than the first.


Definitely "Waldorf Salad." That American's accent was so painfully exaggerated (and I'm American)!

I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd.


The actor who played the lovely Yankee gentleman was actually Canadian. Died a few years ago.
It's funny how people dislike this character so much, when that's what we've become in Britain. I mean, what are we expecting these days? Service?


None of them are bad, but "The Builders" is probably the least funny, except the moments when Basil comes back from his weekend away and notices doors have been added and walls have blocked the dining area! "Waldorf Salad" is also quite weak until Basil's infamous yelling at the end at all the complaining guests - "well let me tell you something, this is EXACTLY how Nazi Germany started!" (for me this part saves the episode)

Chandler: on second thoughts, gum would be perfection. (thinks) Gum would be PERFECTION??


Both the Builders and the Anniversary were fantastic. The Wedding Party had its moments, although it wasn't nearly as good as the Psychiatrist.
Absolute favourites:
Communication Problems ("What do you expect to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window?")
Kipper and the Corpse
Waldorf Salad ("This is exactly how Nazi Germany started!")
The Germans ("Ve did not start it!" "Yes you did, you invaded Poland!")
Gourmet Night ("This smack on head!")
The Hotel Inspectors ("No it will not be possible to view this televisual feast until the moment of the termination of its ending.")
The Wedding Party was clearly not as strong as this.


The Wedding Party, The Anniversary & to some extent the pilot episode, A Touch of Class, weren't particulary memorable when compared against other episodes, but in their own right they are funny.

However, the Waldorf Salad Episode was unwatchably bad. For one, it was boring, but its biggest mistake was making the guests, especially the American so unlikable. Had Basil pushed a cheerful, well mannered couple to breaking point it might have worked.

It is still a mystery how this wonderful series managed to spawn such a terrible episode.


I could not disagree more, I think it's one of the best episodes personally. I think the idea was to show him as a rude , boorish yank. Had he been a nice guy, it wouldn't work. To each his own.


I don't think I fully understand this topic. Surely this program, with it's timeless humour and ongoing popularity, can have no "worst episode". Still, I suppose even the worst episode of such an excellent series would be better the the best episode of many others.
Maybe that's why they stopped after only 2 series, much like the Gervais/Merchant team when making "The Office" & "Extras".

"Please you must forgive me, I am old but still a child."


I think the American is a sympathetic character - he was just was Basil deserved!


i dont like communication problems - that mrs wats her face really annoys me



I'm with melvin - what a bizzare topic. "The Anniversary" may be weak in comparison with other episodes but it is still streets aahead of most other sitcom episodes.
As an aside, John Cleese on a recent visit to us here in New Zealand was asked if there was anything in FT that still made him laugh. He said it was Gourmet Night when Basil rips apart the trifle to look for the duck. This doesn't quite tie in with earlier posts claiming JC said this was the weakest episode - and in any event him beating his car remains my favourite moment of the entire two series.
As for Waldorf Salad - as irritating as the American is I think its actually one of the better written episodes but I always think the cast had other things on their mind. Some great lines!


All the episodes were good but I couldn't stand the Waldorf Salad one. That american guy was despicable and deplorable in every sense.


Thank God other people agree with me! I am a first-time "Fawlty Towers" watcher and I absolutely love it! I JUST got finished watching "Waldorf Salad" and had to immediately come to IMDb because I KNEW people would be talking about the annoying tourist! I agree that he made the episode too dark and uncomfortable. He thought that just because he had money he was better than everyone else. My irritation with him definitely overshadowed the comedy and I finished the episode feeling horrible for Mr. Fawlty. A brilliant show, but I doubt I'll be watching that episode again.

I'm not a violent man, but I would have loved to see Basil punch him.



I will also admit to liking the "Waldorf Salad" episode. I also loved the final scene and the "Nazi Germany" remark but also loved this exchange:

American: This place is the crummiest, shoddiest, worst run hotel in the
whole of Western Europe.

The Major: No no no, I won't have that .......... there's a place in

Infamy! Infamy! They've all got in in for me!!




Excellent call, Mr Rider.

The point of all the obnoxious/fraustrating/annoying people is how Basil reacts to them. This is, to me, the whole point of the show. While Basil does try to cut the odd corner, it's all about him trying to maintain his sanity in this cyclone of nonsense that constantly spins around him. From Sybil to Manuel to the guests, Basil is constantly trying to please everyone. Most people who work in customer service love this show as they can easily identify with Basil's frustration.

"Please you must forgive me, I am old but still a child."



Don't really understand why nobody likes The Builders. I quite enjoyed that one.
Least favourite is The Anniversary, not remotely believable that Basil kept keeping up the lies.

Basil the Rat and The Germans take the cake when it comes to comedy.

Especially the conversation in Basil the Rat between Basil and Sybil in the kitchen.

Basil: "Can I get you in mastermind? Next contestant Sybil Fawlty from Torquay, special subject the bleeding obvious,..."

Sybil: "He's domesticated he wouldn't be able to defend himself"
Basil: "Well you're domesticated you do allright.

Basil: "It's not like he's going to get mugged by a gang of fieldmice, is he"

Manuel: "Mrs Fawlty please understand, if he go, I go"
Basil: "Well goodbye"

Sybil: "Maybe its just simplest if we put him to S-L-E-E-P"
Basil: "Who? Him or the rat?"
Manuel: "Spleep?!"

And all that in just one minute, biggest comedy-density ever seen and therefore
Basil the Rat is the best episode.


"the anniversary."
don't find much funny about it because, as has been mentioned often here, the premise for the main storyline seems forced. why not just explain that sybil's gone out...

gregory 010208



My favorite is easily the Waldorf salad. The only other episode of any show I like as much is Ham radio from the show Frasier. My least favorite is Gourmet night,and I think the Germans is the most overated.


I agree with most people here, Waldorf Salad is the worst IMO.
Though I'm surprised a the amoutn of people saying The Builders. I love that one xD
*whacks with umbrella*

My Funky Vote History


What really annoyed me about the American guy in "Waldorf Salad" was the way he came over to the UK and got annoyed because an English hotel didn't serve a dish that was not even that well-known here, and also expected the kitchen staff to stay on until long after their allocated hours. I wonder what his reaction would have been if Basil had gone over to America and began criticising their way of doing things?

Still, it had it's good moments, and was sure interesting to see Bruce Boa pop in the cast in that episode!


No, the point is that all decent English hotels know what a Waldorf salad is - it's just Basil who doesn't. The American guy is funny because he does what all of us would want to do when faced with an incompetent snob like Basil.


Just watched the entire series again this past weekend, and I can honestly say Gourmet Night is by far my least favorite episode. To me, pretty much every ep of Fawlty has some great (if not incredible) moments... except that one. I basically get nothing out of it.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Two reasons:

a) The guests would get pretty annoyed getting ready for no reason at all.

b) It would be a very short episode.



Maybe the part with the French guest was a little annoying. The thing about Basil and Manuel seeming to be having a thing was just a little ridiculous. I think that the American guest was obnoxious and annoying, because he represented the "ugly American". He was very sharp thinking, practical, and tough, but also a complete pain in the neck who demanded perfection. On the other hand, this behavior seems to work. When someone is demanding, service people respect them more.


None of the episodes was really bad or anything, it's just that some of them were not so funny.
My least favorite was "The Anniversary" - most of it was simply boring, the ending didn't work very good and as a whole it was quite unrealistic. Considering these were Basil and Sybil's best friends, why did he have to go so far in order to lie to them? And with so many characters they could've definitely created funnier situations.
I didn't enjoy "The Germans" very much as well - actually just the first half of it. At the end Basil got annoying and ruined it for me.
"Basil the Rat" wasn't funny at the beginning but after that I laughed alot at the "Japo-Scandinavian imitation veal substitute" and the ending with the shocked health inspector.
The rest of the episodes were in my opinion great.

If a white cat crosses your path, do you get lucky?
