Best Line

What is your vote for the best line? For me it is "Is this a piece of your brain?" And, of course, "Yes you did, you invaded Poland"



German: "Vill you stop talking about ze war"

Basil: "Well you started it"

German: "ve did not start it"

Basil: "Yes you did, you invaded Poland"

I actually cried laughing


Brahms' Third Racket.


And, of course, "Yes you did, you invaded Poland"
I think that will always remain #1 on my list.


Wait a minute... who am I here?


That was my favorite too!

"Well, make something up!"/RG


I must have a totally different sense of humor because I have always loved the line about "going off to insert a large garden gnome" and Sybil repeating "oooo I KNOW" over and over and over when she is in bed with an ingrown toenail. Its fingernails on a chalkboard, but I still say that phrase just like her to this day.


'I don't know why we bother, we should let you all burn...'

"What are you, some kind of doomsday machine, boy?"


What do you expect to see from a Torquay window ?,Sydney Opera House, Hanging gardens of Babylon,herds of wilderbeast ?

Confucius arrived on an elephant,Christianity came on a cannonball.Chinese Prov




Basil to Manuel
Don't you have rats in Spain, or did Franco have them all shot ?

Osa'ane He'tsesteha Nestoxetse Ho'ohtse Notama


I used this line when I was trying to get people to leave the public computers during a fire drill at the library. Luckily my boss wasn't around.


"Look at that dear; a satisfied customer. ... We ought to have him stuffed."



Kid: That's puke, that is. (referring to the salad cream)
Basil: Well it's fresh puke.


“Please... please try to understand before one of us DIES.”


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Sybil (threatening): "You know what I'll do, Basil."

Basil: "You'll have to sew them back on first."


1. "Racket? That's Brahm's third racket"
2. "You Orilly Men"
3. "He see girl, he go crazy"
4. "Whatever you do, don't mention the war"
5. "That particular avenue of pleasure has been closed off"

in a British poll once, Manuel was voted favorite character..

My only regret in life is that I'm not someone else - Woody Allen


"Your very cheerful this morning Mr Fawlty..."

"Yes, well one of the guests has just died!"

Was it a millionaire who said "Imagine no possessions"?
