Favorite Scene

My favorite scene is when he is disguised as Guy Gadbois and tries to seduce the lady Lytton LOL
And the bit where he puts the second car into the pool while the first one is being taken out!! LOL





The film is full of great scenes but the monkey and the blind man scene has to be my favorite "Then the monkeys breaking the law"


The scene with the monkey and the beggar at the beginning is my favourite. One of the funniest scenes in movie history for me. Trouble is i start laughing when i see clousea walking in his police uniform.


When Clouseau checks his fly and Dreyfus accidentally kills the bad guy. It cracks me up because you just don't see it coming!


"Yes, my little yellow friend".

So funny--and you couldn't say that today in a movie.


I have been laughing so hard at all the scenes you have all picked. I really thin this might be my favorite of all 5 Sellers Panther films. He is Inspector Closeau.

I love the scene also where he in Lady Litton's room with the Bellhop and they are trying to get out. The whole sequence is classic Clouseau.

I also loved the 2 minutes of wonderful music played while Clouseau is following Lady Litton. I walk on the treadmill to this song all the time. Henry Mancini is the best!



You have a leeecance for that minkey?


I might have said this before, but I loved it when he was in the bathtub bathing and the phone kept ringing so he is trying to get up to answer it and he can't turn off the shower so he puts it in the toilet. It is so amazing that Dreyfus never hung up on him while waiting.


This movie is loaded with them
1. The first scene with him, a lady is walking by and he tries to "salute" her with his baton and hits himself in the eye with it. That is immediately followed by the blind look out man scene.
2. The whole scene of him investigating the robbery in the museum. He pulls on the wire and the thing hanging on the wall falls down.
3. When he is in Switzerland and sitting by the pool. As some woman dives into the pool he leans back to follow her and ends up in the pool himself!
4. "I have stopped your doorbell from the ringing. There is no charge." While he hands him the 20 feet of wire he pulled out
5. "Which is your nearest pheun?" "There" Picks up the phone and SMELLS it!
