Favorite Scene

My favorite scene is when he is disguised as Guy Gadbois and tries to seduce the lady Lytton LOL
And the bit where he puts the second car into the pool while the first one is being taken out!! LOL


definately the slow-motion scene where Clouseau destroys his kitchen.
I especially crack up with the slow-motion screaming and the look on his face when he overshoots cato.

I also like "I put the real one in the bottom drawer. See?" *POW!*
I also like the music that plays when Lady Litton and Clouseau arrive in Switzerland.



In the scene where he's investigating in the museum, Clouseau picks up the grabber instrument the phantom used to pluck the jewel off the pedestal, examines it while muttering "hmmm...yes", then accidentally hits the button and it grabs him right in the nads. He grunts, doubles over, and hands the grabber to the security guard and says, "Get rid of this."

Every time I see it I bust out laughing. It never gets old.


I love the Slow motion scenes with cato. What Pink Panther fan Doesn't?
I Loved the part were he glues himself to the chair while pretending to fix the "Pheun"(phone). The slow motion was also good in the pink Panther strikes again.


I love how he moves the phone out of the way just as he's saying "Which is your nearest pheun?"

There was a young lady from Venus...
Whose body was shaped like a...



That's a great one, where Inspector Clouseau ignores the bank robbery while he's talking to the "blind" accordionist!
"I am a musician, ze monkey is a businessman. He doesn't tell me what to play, I don't tell him what to do wiz his money!"

If we can't laugh, then our enemies win!


I've seen this movie a dozen times and still I laugh so hard I can't breath, esp. the extended scene where Clouseau is in Lady Litton's room as the housekeeper.

After repeatedly sticking the light bulb back in the lamp, curiosity gets the best of him and he sticks his finger in the socket. After he is shot across the room from the jolt he emerges from behind the bed with his hair standing on end and the light bulb in his other hand - lit up.

I crack up just thinking about it. By far, this is probably the best Sellers' portrayal of Clouseau of all his Pink Panther movies.


it really suprised me that nobody mentioned the flower scene in lady litton's ruum:)he accidentally takes the painting out of the frame(the one with vase n flowers,naturmort)with vacuum cleaner while he was checking the drawers for the pink panther,after a few unsuccesful tries he tries to replace the painting with the real flowers,its definitely my favourite scene!!!!!



it's his first scene in "Return"

(Palpatine holds up a femur bone) Lord Vader...this is Padme.



I love when he enters Lady Litton's suite and thinks that the radio is the safe. He turns the knob and the music makes him jump. *lmao* I also love the part in the club when the woman hits him in the face while she's dancing (I think someone mentioned that), and when he says his name is Guy Gadbois, I find that hysterical. And then he falls over while trying to move closer, v.funny. But who can forget, "Here's lueking at yue kid."?
"I myself have noticed my growing resemblance to a daffodil."- Nealan of Queenscove


The best scene in all the Pink Panther movies is when he gets attacked by Cato. After every fight, Clouseau's house is completlely devestated.


Can one of you experts kindly remind me which of the Panther films the following comes from. Clouseau is standing alongside a dog. It goes something like this

Man: Does yer derg bite?

Clouseau: No. My derg does not bite.

(The man bends down and strokes the dog, who promptly bites him)

Man: I thought you said yer derg does not bite.

Clouseau: He does not bite. But that is not my derg.

I'd be grateful for the answer. I remember it having me in stitches.


I believe it was the 4th or 5th movie.

Clouseau is the one who asks the questions to the man, not the other way around.


ian-hart, I believe that was The Pink Panther Strikes Again - but I could be wrong.

My favorite parts of this movie (though I have to say its pretty hard to choose favorites):
-the Japanese waitress/fortune cookie end scene
-the bank robbery/blind guy and the monkey scene
-whenever Clouseau is with Dreyfuss
-and when Clouseau is playing Guy and the dancing lady hits him in the face

~~~Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid~~~


Yes, it's The Pink Panther Strikes Again


my fave is when Clouseau, and lord and lady lytton are all in the hotel room and clouseau trys to arrest plummer, and inspector Dreyfuss starts shooting at them all. And dreyfuss is all like crazy and laughing and plummer is like "what the hell?" . so funny.
i also like the scene, where plummer is trying to escape "the fat man", and no1 notices anything that going on.


Fave bits:

The fight with Cato is truly hilarious. Clouseau flying through the air, Cato dukcs, look of horror on Clouseaus face, crashes into kitchen (first destroying the door), landing in the cupboards, the entire contents of food, plates cups etc falling around him- and all the time the scene intercut with the old lady next door watching her TV. After the 'cup, food, plate' avalalanche has ceased the phone rings and Cato calmly answers it while Clouseau whimpers from the kitchen. He takes the call from Dreyfuss and then kicks Cato in the face after the old 'fly-ploy'- 'Cato, your fly is undone' - Whack! 'And so my friend are you!'

The final scene when he jumps in the kitchen at the restaurant and wrecks it is just as brilliant- watch out for a box that lands perfectly on a chefs head and Clouseau's floundering feet at the bottom of the screen. Priceless!


The opening scene with the thief stealing the Pink Panther.One of the best openings ever.Mancini's music was perfect.Even though the movie is a comedy this scene was wisely generally serious in tone.To many jokes here would ruin it completely.


I'm surprsied nobody mentioned this one - Clouseau is explaining to Cato how the trick to being a great cop is that innate, immediate instinct. At that point, there's a knock at the door; he opens it; the visitor hands him a lit bomb; and he thanks him and brings it into the house.

Of course, the next thing you hear is the explosion, and the next thing you see is his elderly neighbor's apartment coming down around her.

Just hilarious.

As are Inspector Dreyfuss' constant mixups between the gun lighter and the real gun.


Guy Gadbois crossing the disco dance floor, getting smacked in the face and arriving at Lady Lytton's table with only half a false moustache; that whole scene, with the exaggerated shoulder shrugging from Sellers is pure gold. Plus that classic old gag, when Clouseau is heading to the hotel from the train station

Clouseau: Excuse me
Passer-by: Yes?
Clouseau: Do you know the way to the Palace Hotel?
Passer-by: Yes (before immediately walking away).

"Someone has been tampering with Hank's memories."


so many good ones it's hard to choose,but one of my favorite lines "Good Sharkey,Colonel God.



My favorite scene is unquestionably when he plays the hotel room cleaner who infiltrates Lady Lytton's suite. When he gets caught trying to sneak out while Lytton is having a massage from that big Austrian woman, and Clouseau turns on the big industrial vacuum cleaner in an attempt to look like he is cleaning the room, and the big woman tells him to get out and they begin to wrestle with the vacuum and it gets stuck to her breast, I was in hysterics.


I agree with the cleaning scene, pure genious.

The whole part in "Gstaad" in Switzerland is hilarious as well, mostly because that is just how the Swiss are (they take everything literally). The best one is probably when he tells the cab driver to "Follow that car!" and the cab driver gets out of his car and runs after the car! Later, outside the hotel we see him still following the car while trying to catch his breath, haha!

Also the passer by whom Cluseau asks for directions to the hotel, and the guy who takes his coat, hat and gloves and then goes out and sits on a bench. Cluseau's reaction is priceless, dumbfounded he just waves back to him.

I always laugh hard at the bell boy too, when Cluseau tells him "keep up the good work and I'll see to it they make you a bell Man!" :D

But the two best parts of the movie hands down are the first scene with Cluseau debating with the blind beggar (and the resulting exchange with Dreyfus) and then the investigation of the diamond theft.
