Why are Python fans so arrogant?

I love MP, but my god, the fans on here kind of suck. If someone doesn't like a Python movie, the first response from the fans is "you're not smart enough for British humor, (usually spelt humour to seem more intelligent) go watch the Hangover/Pineapple Express/Super Bad/Family Guy like most stupid Americans". Why do you have to put it that way? Maybe some people don't like this type of humor; it doesn't make them inferior or unintelligent. Would you call someone stupid for preferring pizza over duck l'orange? Well, some of you on here probably would, but everyone's mind works differently and responds to things in different ways. You can't flame someone because they don't like something you do. I honestly think a lot of the users on here posting that they didn't like the movie are just curious as to why they didn't like it, and if they might be misinterpreting the movie itself. But not all British humor is great. Go watch Jeremy Clarkson do his bits on The Stig if you need proof (Some say it's impossible for him to wear socks. And he can open a beer bottle with his testes. All we know is he's called the Stig.) And by the way, just because you watch BBC America doesn't make you a better person than those that watch NBC/CBS/ABC etc..


You're not smart enough for British humour.


You're not smart enough for British humour.

don't be silly. humour is not based on intelligence. it's an emotion.

A lot of British humour tends to be more word based, which results in a lot of their comedies end up being rather verbose. It means you sometimes will need to pay attention to what is being said and have a long attention span.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


I'm really surprise you didn't get the joke.

Why are Python fans so arrogant?

You're not smart enough for British humour.


"humour is not based on intelligence. it's an emotion."

First of all, use proper capitalization, you look like you are typing on a keyboard for the first time in your life, when you omit it.

Second of all, humor is not an emotion. Emotion exists inside of you - it can only be evoked by an outside force, such as entertainment. Humor has the power to evoke reactions, even emotional, but humor initself is NOT an emotion, as it does not exist inside of you - your insides can only REACT to humor, they are NOT humor.

(To have to explain something this basic is ridiculous, but there you go - and this poster ironically talks about 'intelligence'..)


- the quality that makes something laughable or amusing; funniness
- that which is intended to induce laughter or amusement

This is more 'sense of humor':

- the ability to perceive, enjoy, or express what is amusing, comical, incongruous, or absurd

There are varying levels of humor, from a simple fart or pee pee joke to a sophisticated verbal expression you see in 'Yes, Minister' sometimes.

There are situational jokes, funny stories, there can be a humor arc, and so on.

There is humor that absolutely requires intelligence from the viewer/experiencer, or they will not be able to understand or 'get' the humor or joke. How can you even suggest otherwise?

Some humor is not very intelligent, some humor are. Some humor is so subtle, you don't even notice it at first. This requires not only attention, but intelligence.

I don't know why you conclude that humor doesn't require intelligence, but if you were correct, dogs, cats, horses, pigs, kangaroos and pet gold fish would be laughing themselves silly at every sophisticated joke you read them from a book, or any time you let them watch "Yes, Minister".

But they don't.

You can tell a dog 200 the most complicated jokes, and they will not get even one of them. Same goes with toddlers, babies, and stupid people. They just don't have the capacity to get it.


Your comments are arrogant. Worse, they are racist and anti-British. Go invade another country, like other Americans, and don't bother more intelligent people.


Isn't that true of ANY fans of ANYTHING?

"If you don't like [whatever], then you are stupid - you just don't understand it"

There isn't anything more basic and common than this statement, you can apply it to anything.

You can replace "[whatever]" with anime, j-pop, some old, obscure movie, a more modern TV show, a computer or video game, some hobby activity, poetry, literature, composer, author, writer, actor, etc etc.
