Why are Python fans so arrogant?

I love MP, but my god, the fans on here kind of suck. If someone doesn't like a Python movie, the first response from the fans is "you're not smart enough for British humor, (usually spelt humour to seem more intelligent) go watch the Hangover/Pineapple Express/Super Bad/Family Guy like most stupid Americans". Why do you have to put it that way? Maybe some people don't like this type of humor; it doesn't make them inferior or unintelligent. Would you call someone stupid for preferring pizza over duck l'orange? Well, some of you on here probably would, but everyone's mind works differently and responds to things in different ways. You can't flame someone because they don't like something you do. I honestly think a lot of the users on here posting that they didn't like the movie are just curious as to why they didn't like it, and if they might be misinterpreting the movie itself. But not all British humor is great. Go watch Jeremy Clarkson do his bits on The Stig if you need proof (Some say it's impossible for him to wear socks. And he can open a beer bottle with his testes. All we know is he's called the Stig.) And by the way, just because you watch BBC America doesn't make you a better person than those that watch NBC/CBS/ABC etc..


Using Jeremy Clarkson as an example of British humour (yes we spell humour that way in Canada, it's not us trying to be 'intelligent') not always being great is typical subjective slander. Many people (myself included) find the man hilarious most of the time. I love an outspoken and politically incorrect personality. The Stig bits are completely irreverent and silly, not meant to be clever in any way, hence the funny factor.

The irony of this post is that it reeks of arrogance in its own right. It's just a generic and aimless stab in the dark towards diehard fans. People having this zealously defensive attitude of Python movies is not unique to this particular group; every movie out there has its own dedicated group of individuals that will call you stupid for not liking their favourite film. This is how human beings work universally; we don't like others disagreeing with our opinion.


Well said, Pepito. Especially the second paragraph.


What do you care? Easy enough to figure out that fanboys eagerly calling dissenters "stupid" etc will not welcome your long winded didactic leaflets in any fundamentally different way.

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Excuse me, is this a 5 minute argument or the full half hour?


Mynd you, moose bites can be pretti nasti ...




''What I would say, is that some of their comedy is quite "clever".''

The humour in Monty Python is very stupid. But it is stupid humour written by intelligent people, thus making it seem more tongue in cheek than outright retarded.

''I love an outspoken and politically incorrect personality''

Meh. Most people I know in the UK think that he was funny once, but has now just veered into being a complete ass.

If you hate Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!




Most of the really arrogant MP fans seem to be US ''Anglophiles'' who think that liking ''British'' comedy (or ''humor/humour'') makes them seem more intelligent. As someone who was born in England, I must say that ''British'' comedy is quite stupid most of the time, especially after 50s and before the 90s. If you want to find intelligent thoughts, you probably shouldn't watch the majority of ''Bristish'' comedy ('Man About The House', 'On The Buses', 'Father, Dear Father', 'It Ain't 'Alf Hot Mum', 'Are You Being Served?' etc.) because most are not complex comedies like something by Woody Allen (an American) as most US ''Anglophiles'' seem to think. Most people from the UK know that our comedy is stupid; and either like it for being stupid comedy or not.

There are some comedies with intelligence embedded in them, though, mostly when they have some emotional and dramatic content too, such as 'Dad's Army' (the episode 'Mum's Army' comes to mind, as does the episode about Godfrey being branded a coward...despite being a decorated war hero).

If you hate Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!


Most British comedies are amazing. The Inbetweeners (none of that American remake which looks god-awful) is one of the best recent ones. Of course, not many Americans will understand the sexual references and jokes, so they may not enjoy them.


The original post closely resembles flamebait. When someone writes that sort of post and tars everyone with the same brush, it often invites angry responses. Usually people receive the sort of response they post. The more arrogant and offensive they are, the more angry and hateful the replies they receive. Judging by the title of this post, one expected attacks on the OP. That there are not shows that Python fans are not arrogant nor are they quick to take offense. Such kind forbearance is good to see in fellow Python fans.


Agreed. I'm a fan and my closest friends are fans, and I wouldn't characterize us as arrogant towards our womenfolk and others who don't generally find MP funny.

I can't even imagine how a scenario of arrogance would go down. At most, non-fans might feel excluded when the topic comes up because they don't see the humour*. I'll bet the complainers take out their frustration on the fans who are talking and laughing about MP, and, because there's no meeting of the minds on this (it's either hilarious or annoyingly not funny), and because not getting the humour might seem like a failure of the mind given that MP are/were highly intelligent and literate, the complainers conclude that the fans are arrogant rather than consider that they themselves have somehow fallen short.
*Born in Toronto.


you probably shouldn't watch the majority of British comedy Man About The House, On The Buses, It Ain't Half Hot Mum, Are You Being Served

You've only listed four. Funny how the Americans remake a lot of our sitcoms, huh?

And you talk about people being US "Anglophiles" while saying the majority of British comedy is stupid. America is a country that loves Friends, and Will Ferrell and Adam Sandler movies.


No dude. Plain and simple, if you don't find this film funny you are an idiot and have no sense of humor. Or your taste in comedy sucks. Yes, it is better than anything that has come out today claiming to be comedy. The stupid American comedies of Superbad, Knocked Up, American Pie, etc....yeah...they are stupid American comedies....what more is to be said? America once did intelligent comedies thanks to the Zucker's, Mel Brooks and Buster Keaton...sadly, those days are gone.



Because Python is the funniest group ever... now *beep* off!


I don't know how much of it is MP fans, and how much is just people online having no fear of bashing someone they'll never really have to see. I'm all for an intelligent debate on the finer points or why people do or don't like something, but a lot of the times, I bail on reading these posts because they degenerate into this pointless name calling. "There's no accounting for taste" can sum up the vast majority of differences, but I also know some people enjoy the conflict they get from having a flame war, so I gues to each their own. As for me, I've never noticed all MP fans to be arrogant, but I have notice a lot of online fanatics that will bash anyone who has a thought or idea that doesn't fit neatly into their worldview.
