Oddest thing

As I'm gazing at Sissy Spacek in this movie trying to figure out who she reminds me of, much to my surprise Lucy Lui (?!?!) of all people pops into my head. Spacek's bone structure, light freckling and the way her hair framed her face reminded me of her. I guess the doppleganger game can go in odd directions.


I thought she resembled Owen Jones.


I had to look up who Owen Jones was. I suppose the doppleganger game can cross gender lines as well.


Sure can. Notice how Paula Patton looks like a post-op James Franco.

You can have multiracial doppelgängers too - see Matt Damon and John (‘Black Damon’) Boyega.


Now my head is starting to hurt. Though this does remind me of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer blurts out that George's lady friend (played by Tracy Nelson) looks like a female version of Jerry.
