Caesar should be named Aldo

If I recall, in "Escape", Cornelius spoke of the first ape who talked being Aldo, yet for some reason, in this movie, the foster father of Cornelius and Zira's child calls him Caesar, which breaks with continuity.

Another thing that bothers me is when the governor has Caesar in his office and gets him to choose his name from a dictionary: the governor does the actions to choose the word, Caesar copies them sarcastically by flipping random pages as the governor did, but somehow manages to plonk his finger on the exact word, "Caesar", on the right page first time! It's nuts!

Another odd thing is that the name Aldo was eventually given to the gorilla general who ends up murdering Caesar's young son! A villain!

These lapses in continuity across all five movies is what dilutes the experience, if you ask me.


It's not a lapse in continuity, the time line has been changed.

In Escape Cornelius talks of an Aldo who led the revolt against humans after three hundred years. That's how things went down in the original timeline.

However, in this film the offspring of Cornelius and Zira (apes from the future) Caesar can talk and thus the revolt takes place within one lifetime, not after hundreds of years.

Therefore nothing that follows matches what Cornelius knew from the sacred scrolls.


I never understood why Armando (Mantelban) changed his name from Milo.
From the production POV it makes sense to give him a name of a leader.

