MovieChat Forums > Chikyû kôgeki meirei Gojira tai Gaigan Discussion > Hey there, its me! Kaiju superstar Gigan...

Hey there, its me! Kaiju superstar Gigan!

As you can tell its really me guys. With that brand spankin' new Godzilla film coming out I thought I could shed light on any rumors you all might have heard from the production of all the films.

And before any of you ask, yes I was addicted to crack, but that's because of all the cybernetic enhancements from Final Wars. Sorry for any grammer errors, having two scythes for hands makes it a pain to type


Nice to see you're doing well, Gigan. I hope to eventually see more of you in a future Godzilla film.



Godzilla's still predominantly a kid franchise, and for you to joke about crack is not only in poor taste, showing your character, it may also probably be reportable.

If your some standup comedian or online hack writer looking for material, take it someplace else.


You seem like a really fun person to be around...


We have to make this a safe space for all the kids who's parents are forcing them to watch a crappy 1972 Japanese movie.
