Garage Scene.

When Mann pulls into the garage early on and the guy tells him he could do with a new radiator hose etc. As he is sitting in his car waiting for the attendant and looking out his front windscreen at the truck driver, the attendant squirts water on the glass. Does anyone else find this relaxing to the brain? Knowing the tenseness of the movie I do. It's a little unexpected but pleasant to me. Maybe I'm weird.


I like that part and guess it is relaxing. I like the sound of the spray on the screen lol and just feels like a relaxing scene.


Yeah, I get what you're saying. I think it's just the fact of human interaction - a safe pause amidst the terror. Plus, especially viewing it today, it's a down home, warming portrayal of a what used to be standard protocol at a service station. The pump man would top you off and check under the hood. Classic Americana, and I think that resonates with people.

It's genius in execution - just enough of a sigh of relief before the rig lumbers into the same station, the attendant oblivious to the truck's intentions.


I don't find it weird. It's sort of like riding through the car wash. To me, that's soothing being surrounded by all of that soapy water, and then the rinse. It's all dark in there, but with the water, it's very pleasant!


Yea like you say, you are weird
