The intro makes no sense

So, Linus and Lucy walk out in the morning (?) to find a suitable pumpking to carve.

However, there are a few REALLY weird things about the intro that absolutely make no sense.

1) Two suns. Why are there two suns? WHAT planet are Lucy and Linus supposed to live on? At least in the comics, it's pretty clear it's supposed to be exactly Planet Earth, Tellus or Terra, whichever term you prefer. Earth has exactly ONE sun. This makes no sense!

2) Linus can teleport?

What? Why? When you look at when they go through the opening in the fence created by a missing plank, first Linus bumps the fence, apparently because the pumpkin is too big to fit (so it's bigger than the kids, which makes Linus some kind of a bodybuilder - he's a BOOK WORM, and he is somehow stronger than Lucy? What? Why doesn't LUCY do the heavy lifting? I know, fema-fascism and because she is older, so she unfairly bullies Linus and no one bats an eye due to misandry and us livnig in matriarchy.

Think about it the genders reversed and Schultz would've been murdered five minutes after this aired by an angry fema-fascist mob. But a female bullying a male? NO PROBLEM! Equality rocks, doesn't it?

In any case, this superpowered magical entity (that lets Lucy bully him for some reason although he has all these powers) isn't seen until we soon see him emerge, having gone AROUND the fence instead of the more direct route.

However, we NEVER see him actually move from the right side (where he can't be seen because of the fence) to the edge of the fence, and yet he HAD to traverse this distance somehow.

Either he teleported, which makes no sense, because this is supposed to be a 'grounded reality' (despite Snoopy's hallucinatory antics), or he walked ALL the way down hill so he can't be seen by us because the 'ground is in the way', and then climbed all the way up and thus takes a MAJOR detour with a REALLY HEAVY PUMPKIN.

I mean, I know bodybuilders love all kinds of muscle-building exercizes, but THIS is ridiculous!

Also, Linus is a BOOK WORM NERD! He is 'intellectual', he is not 'a muscle'.

Why would they make an intro that makes no sense? Didn't anyone realize what they were doing? We should ABSOLUTELY have seen Linus through the hole in the fence, if he took the direct route, so HE DIDN'T.

One other possibility is that he can turn not only himself, but the giant pumpkin invisible, but only uses this power just so we can't see him travel from the right side of the fence opening to the left side unseen.

I know animators are lazy, but they really went where the fence is the lowest here (figuratively speaking, and a bit of a pun intended).

In any case, the intro makes NO SENSE. Two suns, nerd muscles and teleportation/invisibility powers or an excessively long detour for .. reasons?

Why? Why do they do this? Why can't they make things make sense even in a cartoon intro, where they are 100% in control! I mean, they can't blame the weather or circumstances, actors acting up or problems on the set; they can literally draw ANY frame they want to have happen, and yet they didn't.


In any case, I hate this planet, as they can't even make a short intro in a cartoon make any sense.


You're right. It's always bothered me that when we see the fence from the side Linus is not on, he suddenly comes around the end of the fence but we didn't see him pass across the gap left by the missing board, which is impossible.
