Another OVERRATED film

Well, after Godfather and Godfather II I am no longer surprised to see mediocre films at the top of the IMDb ratings. This film is below average. Just like The Godfather II, the acting is more than decent but that is all there is to it. The story is way too simple and takes too long to develop -3 hours!!! C'mon, a good editor could have transformed this into a good 1 1/2 hour flick.

Anyways, for those of you who appreciate filmaking as what it is REALLY supposed to be: ENTERTAINMENT, I recommend to avoid this film at all costs or get ready to waste three hours of your life that you will never get back.


Dinner is ready. Go suck on those mommy titties.


These statements do not make you appear provocative, nor insightful.
Just dumb...really, really dumb.

IMDB Troll Doctrine:


I hope you are dead.


This flick has the best climax of all time (the Mexican Standoff)!

The reason why one is so invested in the climax, is that we have spent some real time with these characters and really got to know them (due to the films length), but it totally pays off in the end!

reply you really think someone gives a f@ck about your opinions?



C'mon, a good editor could have transformed this into a good 1 1/2 hour flick.

I see this post is more than four years old, but still ... thanks for a good laughter. This is the best and worst comment anyone could make about this movie. :-)

I love it. On my top ten list.


This "OVERRATED film" is my favorite film of all time and every bit worthy of its status. I watch it at least 3 times a year. And how can you say The Godfather films are mediocre films. That's insanity.

You're move, creep
