Favorite Monkee?

I can't believe this topic hasn't been posted yet. Maybe I missed it. Oh well.

My fav will always be Micky!! He's so adorable.


Axl Rose's favorite Monkee was Davy. That is why Axl borrowed that little sidestep.


My favorite was Davy, my best friend liked Peter, and my sister liked Micky. All of us thought Mike was great too.
the saddest thing in life is wasted talent


Davy is my ultimate favorite, but Micky is a very lose second. He's oh so darn funny!!!


Mike. I liked his Southern drawl, and how he combed his hair. Davy was cute, no doubt about it, I liked Micky's soft speaking voice, but he was goofy looking, and Peter didn't do it for me.


Least favorite for me is Mike. I felt he was the one that basically killed the Monkees. Do you not love the Monkees music? I do. He felt (at the time) that most of the music was rubbish. He encouraged the other Monkees to rebel he got Kirchner fired who was really responsible for the Monkees hits. The Monkees was a tv show. It was a comedy and the guys were to pretend they were musicians. As a bonus they got to play some but that wasn't enough.

As time as gone on I have to saw Micky although at the time when watching the series my favorite was Peter. Love them all though in context of the show.



I'm partial to wild and nutty Mickey; I really adore those that stand out in a crowd.

Why ain't you at the garden party you heathen?


MIKE!!! 💕💞💕

Ron Burgundy: Boy, that escalated quickly...I mean, that really got out of hand fast.


Papa Nez

of course when I first watched the show as a little kid I thought they were all kinda cute in their own way...

then I grew up. 



Mike's my favourite. He's so freakin' cool and talented. And his "look" always appealed to me; sideburns, hair parted, rad sunglasses and of course the wool hat.

I love the other three equally for different reasons, but Mike will always be my favourite.


Always Micky
