MovieChat Forums > Dark Shadows (1966) Discussion > The 'My Name Is Victoria Winters, and......

The 'My Name Is Victoria Winters, and... ' Game

We had a blast with this one before, until it fell victim to a data purge, so let's have another go at it. I'll start:

"My name is Victoria Winters, and... wha.. what's an 'incestor'?"


"My name is Victoria Winters, and anyone who watches Dark Shadows in black and white is missing out... I am so smokin' hot in living color!"


"My name is Victoria Winters, and anyone who watches "Dark Shadows" in black and white is missing out...Dr. Julia Hoffman is so smokin' hot in living color!" (Sorry, I just had to do it, Pooh Bear.)



ROTF, Winston!


Just wait until you read Abby's next letter.


"My name is Victoria Winters, and that Kim Jong Un fellow sure is strict. Executed his own Uncle for not clapping enthusiastically enough? Jeeeeeze! Even Rev Trask isn't that big of an *** ****."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I knew the difference between the two Burke Devlins. But I'll never tell you which one I actually preferred."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I want to know why LainieBlueEyes has not been on this message board for over two months now."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and someone sure needs to open up a can of Poe on that Jason."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I often catch Roger playing with David's toy robot when he thinks no one is watching."


Define "playing with."


I'd rather Mrs. Johnson tell you. She catches him too. Willie told me she does.


'My name is Victoria Winters. You should KNOW that by now....'

'My name is Victoria Winters. My hairstyle is unfortunate.'

'My name is Victoria Winters and I'm beginning to suspect dating that fellow who dresses all in black, only comes out at night, and arrived just before a string of murders might not be such a good idea...'

'My name is Victoria Winters and I'll paint any car for $49.95! I said $49.95! I will not be undersold!'

'My name is Victoria Winters. What's yours?'

'My name is Victoria Winters and I long ago figured out I'm really Elizabeth Collins Stoddard's illegitimate daughter. But honestly, would YOU admit being part of this family?'

'My name is Victoria Winters, I've got a nickel, I've got a nickel shiny and new, I'm gonna buy me all kinds of candy, that's what I'm gonna do.'


"My name is Victoria Winters, and that Putin character better not try any of that **** around here. Mrs. Stoddard will bop him for sure!"



"My name is Victoria Winters, and I'm a gal who suppresses spontaneous laughter even though I live in a mansion full of mystery, danger, spirits and the undead."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I'd really just like to punch Tim Burton right in the face. Same with Depp... But, I'm allergic to exterior lead-based house paint, and wouldn't want to get a bad rash on my knuckles."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and in a hospital this night, Maggie Evans is suffering the terrible effects of having been held against her will in a basement room while forced to hear seemingly endless off-key repetitions of London Bridge is Falling Down."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I'm sure glad I was rescued from Matthew Morgan... I really had to wee, bad."



My name is Victoria Winters,
this house is haunted.
We've set up video cameras, monitoring empty rooms,
and have caught what looks to be quick glimpses of wandering film crew.


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I'm going to go see Psycho on the big screen this coming Wednesday. That Norman Bates sure is a momma's boy, though."


My name is Victoria Winters, and after several years of horror while working at Collinwood, I have been asked to accept a new position in Rhode Island with a well to do doctor and his sweet wife....more freedom and less supernatural. It would be good to have rest and never have to worry about any drama involving my job....

As I sit and write my acceptance to him, I anticipate the more simpler way of life in Rhode Island...and that happiness that will come with the position.

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I just don't understand where are all these hills everyone here keeps talking about?"


(^As many times as she's been seen running on a HILLLL? Winston, you shock and awe me....)

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


"My name is Victoria Winters. Life here in Collinwood is certainly different than back at the orphanage. The fog doesn't bother me. I've grown accustomed to the lightning, bats, ghosts, sharp-tongued pyromaniacs and even the guy who walks around in a cape... But, if I live here the rest of my life, I'll never get used to being awakened every morning by the sound of sheep bells, barking Saint Bernards and the haughty yodeling of Roger Collins, all reverberating throughout the countryside."



"My name is Victoria Winters, and I have just found out on IMDb that Grayson Hall was offered the role Joan Crawford eventually played in "I Saw What You Did". I never thought I would say this, but thank goodness Joan Crawford got the role."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and the oddest thing just happed. Mrs. Stoddard and I just returned from Bangor, where we'd attended our monthly meeting of the Kemetic Reconstructionists Society. Upon entering Collinwood, we both went to the foyer closet to hang up our coats. Suddenly, Mrs. Stoddard started trembling, almost as if she were about to have some sort of seizure, and shouted for Mrs. Johnson. When the housekeeper entered the foyer, we both stood in bewilderment as the matriarch of Collinwood violently waved two coat hangers about, while crying out "How many times must I tell you people? No Metal Hangers! No Metal Hangers, Ever!" The hangers are actually genuine plastic, I bought them myself, last Tuesday afternoon, at the local Five and Dime store. She drinks. Seriously, she drinks."


"My name is Victoria Winters, and I have just found out on IMDb that Grayson Hall was offered the role Joan Crawford eventually played in "I Saw What You Did". I never thought I would say this, but thank goodness Joan Crawford got the role."

at least you'd have gotten to see Grayson Hall FINALLY get throttled to death....right? 

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...
