MovieChat Forums > Dark Shadows (1966) Discussion > 'Delete your post' Dark Shadows-style (R...

'Delete your post' Dark Shadows-style (Resurrection)

The original was deleted so I am resurrecting it. Give a Dark Shadows-based reason for deleting the post.

This post was deleted because it walked into the Parallel Time room.

The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.


This post deleted because it ran away when it feared that Pansy Faye was going to start singing.


This post was deleted when Julia Hoffman, M.D., accidentally burned it as she was leisurely puffing away on a cigarette, just a few feet from poor Willie Loomis' highly-explosive oxygen tent in the intensive care unit of the Collinsport Hospital.


This post was deleted when the carriage it was riding in over turned and it got lost in the woods and forgot its own name.


This post was deleted because it was hanged as a witch.

It is among Klingons that love poetry achieves its fullest flower.


This post deleted because, thanks to Trask and Aunt Abigail, they hanged the wrong person for witchcraft.


This post deleted because it failed to return to its coffin before dawn.


This was post deleted because Beth shot it.


This post was deleted because Matthew launched it off the roof of the old house.


This post was deleted because it was transported back to 1795 with Victoria.


This post deleted to make room for Bruno's hair.


LOL! I missed this before, Winston ~ very funny!


On your feet, Sam.


This post was deleted because SOMEONE didn't know what it meant and didn't understand.....hmmmm...who could that be????

Swing away, Merrill....Merrill, swing away...


This post was deleted because it burned in a house of Tarot cards.

The Fabio Principle: Puffy shirts look best on men who look even better without them.


This post was deleted because Natalie's Tarot cards said to do it.

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No matter how cynical you try to become it's never enough to keep up -Lily Tomlin
