Fave quotes

Professor Fate: "The eternal struggle takes time, Max."


Not a line, but one of the funniest bits in there is when Fate on his pedal-balloon, makes a hand signal while turning it.


Max:I've found the gasoline!

Fate:you thimble headed gerkin!

Editor: there'll be no lollygagging the corridor!

Leslie: the Stanley Steamer is a good.....motor vehicle. i'm surprised you got this far

Keenan Wynn character checking The Leslie Special: running like a top!


Max: I've never seen a car like that in my life.
Fate: You never will again, either.

Fate (to the dogs on the bed): I hate you.

Fate: I'd like to see the Great Leslie try that one!

Guard: The Great Leslie escaped with a small friar!
Fate: Leslie escaped with a chicken?!

Fate: No! I won't do it!
General (pointing gun at Fate): Then you leave us no choice.
Fate: I'll do it!

Fate: Now, you listen to me, you mealy mouthed, two-bit wart healer!

Mayor of Barracho: Now, do we have to string up the bunch of you, or are you gonna cooperate and be the guests of honor?

The Great Leslie: Auto-mobile.

Max: I stopped by the Rolls Royce agency; had to steal a spare magneto.

Max: You want me to feed you?

Fate: Who was that?
Max: Kids, just kids, more kids.
Fate: Stupid kids.

Fate: Genius, positive genius, Max! What's next?
Max: Car number five, the engine falls out!
Fate: Max...we're number five (engine drops out of car).

Mr Goodbody: Frisbee, next time be more careful. You feel yourself falling, let go of the bird!

Max: I'm hungry.
Fate: She's getting it.
Max: How long does it take to open a can of beans?
Fate: The eternal struggle takes time, Max.
Max: What struggle? She's got a can opener.
Fate: You corkbrain! I'm talking about man, woman, sex, conquest!
Max: Oh.
Fate: He's making his move, and I'm sure she's interested. But, unless I miss my guess she will never submit.
Max: That's terrible.
Fate: Yes, for a man like Leslie, that's terrible. Like me, he must dictate life on his own terms.
Maggie: Come and get it!
Fate: You see?
Max? Maybe she don't mean us...


What a great thread! I can't think of a quote that hasn't been mentioned already, and I haven't seen this movie in years, but it was my all-time favorite growing up, and I watched it every chance I got. I sat here laughing my butt off reading all the memorable quotes. Now I have to find this movie and watch it again right away. :) I have a particular affinity for movies with great dialogue/memorable quotes (Shawshank Redemption, for example, although very different indeed from The Great Race) and realize now it probably all began with The Great Race, because this movie definitely has some of the best lines ever written.

(Love how Leslie's tooth twinkles when he smiles.)


not so much a quote as an action --
Professor Fate is at the dinner table, both thumbs thickly bandaged after the periscope in the sub fiasco. Max has just served and has sat down at his place. Max picks up his wine glass and does a little toast motion to Professor Fate; Fate, begrudgingly, picks up his wine glass, does a little toast motion back, goes to drink the wine and ends up jamming his bandaged thumb in his mouth while the wine slops out of the upturned glass and down Fate's front. He glares at Max who gives a lopsided grin and throws his own glass of wine on himself as if it was the proper use of wine all along.



Here come the Marines!

The jig is up!

I've found the gas!

Where would I find this..."Texas Jack?"

By the way ... where did the Intermission come I think it was on the ice?

That last one wasn't a quote! Neither is this!



"Push the button Max! - Does anyone remember the other movie where Jack Lemmon keeps urging someone to "push the button" ???" - jhtabbott

I believe it was in "HOW TO MURDER YOUR WIFE"! Which Jack made just before The Great Race! A connection??

"Men? We wouldn't be caught dead with men! Rough, HAIRY beasts with eight hands..." - Daphne



Fate to the pug - "I hate you"

Theres only one Batman movie and it ain't Begins it's Batman 1989


Now can I have me some fightin room?


As the garage collapses:



Gentleman - I intend to cover the measured mile in approximately 12 seconds.


Tony Curtis (reverting to his Bernie Schwartz accent): "GET AWFF MY HOOWID!"


Fate to Leslie (Standing on the hood):

"You I hate. You and you hair that's always combed, your suit that's always white, and your car that's always clean!"

Cruisin' down the highway doin' 79,
I'm a twin-pipe papa and I'm feelin' fine...


Maggie (to the Sentinel's editor): "You're a fine man. A timid man .... but a worthwhile one."


"Here come da Marines!"


Prof. fate to the gaggle of kids admiring his rocket-car ---
"Get away from the car !"


"NOW gimmie some fightin room!" (I say this all the time & no one get's it)

"I hate you" (Lemmon to Pug)

"I hope you win, I hope you win! You good Leslie you"

"Brrraaaaannnnyyyy" More Brandy!!" (I say this all the time & no one get's it)

