Fave quotes

Professor Fate: "The eternal struggle takes time, Max."


In addition to the ones already mentioned...

Mayor of Burrocho - "We've been planning this here shin-dig for over a week. Now do we have to string up the bunch of ye, or are you gonna cooperate and be the guests of honour?"

Prince Hapnik - "I don't care, I don't care. You're banished, I'm getting, a new, tucker, inner, banished, banished, banished.

Alas! Nine sickles, and a dungbomb. It's my lucky day!


Love the banished, banished, banished line, kacky, so glad you mentioned it! how he punctuates his words with throwing the pie goo - ahhh, genius!



Mayor of Burrocho - "We've been planning this here shin-dig for over a week. Now do we have to string up the bunch of ye, or are you gonna cooperate and be the guests of honour?"

"Necktie? What kinda cheap present is that?"


"I hope you win, I hope you win. You good Leslie you."


Hey, great subject. Here's one of mine. I particularly like this one, because it took several viewings before I finally got the joke.

Hezekiah is about to be tortured in Baron Von Schtup's castle. This causes Maggie to rush up and put herself between Hezekiah and the guy with the hot iron, and she says:

"You harm one hair on his head and you'll answer to Teddy Roosevelt and the people of the United States."

Maggie then starts singing "My country 'tis of thee," and Hezekiah joins in, causing the Baron to call the whole thing off in disgust.

It's kind of an intense moment, so it's easy to miss the joke. Hezekiah is as bald as an egg.

I'll mention one that's already been mentioned here. But it's worth re-stating, because -- again -- it took me a while to get it, but when I did I thought it was hilarious.

Max and the Professor are driving along with the Hannibal 8 suffers a breakdown. A fire breaks out. Max gets out a fire extinquisher, while the Professor goes under the car to get to the source of the problem. Max discharges the fire extinguisher into the top of the car, and of course, the form douses the Professor, and blinds him in the process.

Max: "Don't worry, Professor, I think we got it in time"

Fate: (Standing up, still blinded by the foam) WHEREEEEE AAAAREEEE YOUUUUU!!!!!!

Max: (Realizing he goofed) "To your right!"

It was during my upteenth viewing of this picture that I thought to "mentally" put myself in Fate's place on the screen, and it hit me that "No he's not. Max is to Fate's left."

Fate: Max, you idiot!


Max: "Red sky in the mornin, sailor take warnin"


Prince: "You're a sloppy tucker-inner, I can't stand a sloppy tucker-inner"

Prince: (after getting hit with a brandy pie) "mmm, Brandy. Throw more Brandy!"



this is one of my faves:

MAX: hey professor!!!! (gets hit by a multitude of pies)

oh and the pie fight is the longest pie fight ever in a movie FYI :)
damn i love this movie

white, snow, a ghost!!!

But why is the rum gone?


Not a favorite line but: I don't know how many times I watched this movie before I noticed the moose head in Fate's castle has a 'moose behind' on the other side of the wall. I laugh thinking about it.

Sometimes it's a good day to die, sometimes it's a good day to have breakfast.


im crap and cant remember quotes but my favourite bit is when jack lemmons on the bed with the puppies awwwwwww my god how cute, very underated role of his.
favourite line just read one... i hate sloppy tucker inners.
genuis film


(to a pug) Fate: I hate you!

Texas Jack: NOW will ya give me some fightin room?!

Fate: Scuse me mista partner?


Sheriff: Now take it easy Jack. This here's a friendly celebration.

Jack: Fiddle-de-de. I don't much like the way you're celebrating so you just step back sheriff--lessen you just wanna fall back.

Fate (in a Scottish accent): NOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOO Aboslutey No. For a company of this repute, a great company the likes of this, trusting it's entire automobile future to a man the likes of Leslie is disreputable. A cheap carnival performer, a fraud, a trickster.

Max: Dinner is served. (To Professor Fate while playing the organ).

Prince: Goodbye, Goodbye you good Leslie. I hope you win. I hope you win. HEHEHEHEHE.


Fate: I'll keep quiet...I won't say a word.....until the water reaches my lower lip and then I'm gonna mention it to somebody!!!


Prince Hapnik: "You haven't been dueling again, you naughty boy, you?"

Max: "You give them beads. It makes them friendly."

Prof. Fate: "Let's be reasonable. What would you say to five-hundred dollars? (whistles)"

General: "In my profession, to win is imperative. To win easily is a blessing."


Editor: "Frisbee, I want you to bail my wife out of jail."
Frisbee: "Yes, sir!"
Editor: "In about two hours."
Frisbee: "Yes, sir."

Fate: "A pox on you!"

Leslie: "If I were to send for gas now, I would need a telegraph."
Maggie: "Not necessarily."
{carrier pigeon coos right on cue)


How can evveryone forget Maggie's line when she was trying to get a job at the Newspaper.

Maggie: "Well that would make some story for your competition, Woman starves to death in the men's room of the New Your Sentinal."


After the engine trouble in the beginning . . . "Where are you?!" . . . "To your right!" [moves farther to his left]

"Leslie escaped with a CHICKEN?"

"'Scuze me, Mister Pardnuh, who is this Texas Jack?"

"Are you a native of Boracho?" . . . "I ain't no native, I was BORN here!"

Don't play my marimbas, man.


I thought is was, "Pardun me, Mr. Pardnuh."


That's my favorite line,too!!!


Fate - 'Seven thirty in the morning i'm sea sick you idiot'

Maggie - 'I can speak, read and write french, russian and arabic'
Leslie - 'so can I plus five over languages'

Prince - 'Rum.... I never mix my pies'

So what I told you was true... From a certain point of view


Leslie - "He's a cheat and a liar..."
Fate - "Thats beside the point!"

Prince - "Goodbye! Fair well you great Leslie you! I hope you win! I hope you win! Ahahahaha! I'll miss him......*finds crown* oh there it is!....''


>Professor Fate: "The eternal struggle takes time, Max."

"She's got a can opener."
