MovieChat Forums > Akahige (1968) Discussion > Favorite shot in a kurosawa film

Favorite shot in a kurosawa film

After seeing about 30 of Kurosawa's films I have to say the shot of the man meeting his long lost wife in front of the wind chimes is easily my favorite in any of kurosawas movies. Red Beard is far from my favorite film of his, but for some reason that paticular shot brought a tear to my eye. The way the wind whips up and sends the chimes into a flurry of sound as he realizes it's her is just perfect, as is the way the subsequent scenes are handled, with him swinging along the single chime as they talk and the chime ringing lightly outside the window of his house when she comes to visit him. Only of gondo and his kidnapper meeting across a prison vistors window and having each others emotions projected on each others faces in High and Low comes even close to equalling the sheer brilliance of the windchime shot in Red Beard if you ask me. Anyway I'd be curious to hear if anyone else noticed this paticular shot or had another in a different kurosawa film they paticually liked.


It is extremely tough to pick one but if I had to it would be from "Ran" when Lord Ichimonji is holding one of his mistresses while the whole castle burns around him. Gives me the goosebumps every time I see that scene.


by lear0 » Thu Dec 2 2004 22:56:07 Flag ▼ | Reply |
IMDb member since June 2004
After seeing about 30 of Kurosawa's films I have to say the shot of the man meeting his long lost wife in front of the wind chimes is easily my favorite in any of kurosawas movies. Red Beard is far from my favorite film of his, but for some reason that paticular shot brought a tear to my eye. The way the wind whips up and sends the chimes into a flurry of sound as he realizes it's her is just perfect, as is the way the subsequent scenes are handled, with him swinging along the single chime as they talk and the chime ringing lightly outside the window of his house when she comes to visit him. Only of gondo and his kidnapper meeting across a prison vistors window and having each others emotions projected on each others faces in High and Low comes even close to equalling the sheer brilliance of the windchime shot in Red Beard if you ask me. Anyway I'd be curious to hear if anyone else noticed this paticular shot or had another in a different kurosawa film they paticually liked.

I like the shot where he's looking over all the bandits or bouncers from the brothel he's beaten up, and berating his intern on how a doctor shouldn't act like this. Great stuff
