MovieChat Forums > Akahige (1968) Discussion > Favorite shot in a kurosawa film

Favorite shot in a kurosawa film

After seeing about 30 of Kurosawa's films I have to say the shot of the man meeting his long lost wife in front of the wind chimes is easily my favorite in any of kurosawas movies. Red Beard is far from my favorite film of his, but for some reason that paticular shot brought a tear to my eye. The way the wind whips up and sends the chimes into a flurry of sound as he realizes it's her is just perfect, as is the way the subsequent scenes are handled, with him swinging along the single chime as they talk and the chime ringing lightly outside the window of his house when she comes to visit him. Only of gondo and his kidnapper meeting across a prison vistors window and having each others emotions projected on each others faces in High and Low comes even close to equalling the sheer brilliance of the windchime shot in Red Beard if you ask me. Anyway I'd be curious to hear if anyone else noticed this paticular shot or had another in a different kurosawa film they paticually liked.


I agree. The chimes picking up with the wind is just pure genius. I love how it sums up the emotional tension that arises suddenly without using manipulative music. It really puts a perfect touch to the moment.

But I have to say that my favorite shot visually is in the scene where Dr. Yasumoto comes to watch the young girl beg for money to replace the bowl she broke. When it zooms up to the two of them on top of the bridge and she sees him and lets the bowl go. It makes me want to cry it is so powerful. Again, it is without music, and lots of wind. Thank goodness for Kurosawa!


When Red Beard beats up the thugs from the red light district.
I know it's a violent scene in contrast with the humanity the film wants to tell...
but it kind of made justice for the beating of the girl. and Mifune is SO cool in that scene.
You see their bones sticking out of their bodies!!

besides the scenes already mentioned:

Seven Samurai:
when Kikuchiyo saves the baby and recognizes himself in him.
death of Kikuchiyo

Hidden Fortress:
final dance in the village around the fire
the mass scenes at the beginning of the film, with thousands (they looked like thousands) prisoners of war

ANY encounter Mifune made on the main street is incredibly shot. Especially when the two rival gangs face each other.

the whole film is a masterpiece (only flaw is the use of the bolero-kind musical track in a scene); but the opening remains impressive and the last scene, with the revelation of the woodcutter with the monk.

"What if there is no tomorrow? there wasn't one today...!";


The scene in Ran where Ichimonji is stumbling down the steps while the castle goes up in flames behind is probably the best half minute in cinema history. Ran maybe the most beautiful film of all-time.

I think my favorite shot though, would have to be the scene in Kagemusha, where the soldiers are sitting around wondering what has become of Takeda Shingen. The soldiers marching along the horizon casts the shadows on soldiers and really personifies the whole theme of the film.

the showdown shot of Sanjuro off in the distance in Yojimbo is a close second.


Either the attack by Jiro on Taro and all it's wonderful cinematography of the armies clashing in Ran.

Or I have this big black Movie Book, that has one of the sweetest shots I've ever seen from a film, it's Seven Samurai a bunch of soldiers and a samurai in the final battle, there are so many amazing scenes at the end there.


Jiro and Taro don't fight each other in Ran, both of their armies are allies against Hidetora and his personal bodyguard. Jiro however, does have Taro killed in the fight, betraying him in the heat of the battle in order to take over the kingdom.


O yeah, I completely forgot if Hidetora had an army with him. Meh it's been awhile since I've seen it. But anyways those shots are spectacular


Yeah, those are among the best ever filmed, i haven't seen it in a while either, i think it's high time i revisited that classic.


Wow, wow, wow....what about Throne of Blood ...that film had some of the best cinematography ever...period. I mean what's better than Toshiro Mifune chalk ful of arrows. And the opening shots of the Spider Web's castle, and the fog...oh man....

Throne of Blood had by far the best shots.

Granted Red Beard was awesome too. All those interior shots of the hospital were truly moving paintings.



My favorite is a very fleeting moment from "Rashomon"....when the warrior is standing in front of the lady, with his arm raised, and she is cowering behind him.......I would give just about anything to have a poster of this!!! but many searches thru various poster sites have turned up nothing!!! and when you think of all the real crap posters out there, this one, which is really great, is not available!!! at least I have the cover of the DVD!!!!


There are faaar too many amazing shots to pick a favourite from, for me at least.

That being said, the end of Ran -- With Tsumaru up on the cliff -- had long been one of my favourite scenes for it's devastation. Today, however, I watched Red Beard and the scene where they scream into the well is now my favourite, and most devastating scene. I can't say i've ever heard such authenticity in a scream like Otoyo in the well before, it's going to haunt me for a while >.>


