MovieChat Forums > The Birds (1963) Discussion > April 2021: "The Birds" Gets in the New...

April 2021: "The Birds" Gets in the News Again: Los Angeles Home Invaded by Birds

Though he made 53 films, it is my belief that Hitchcock's two most famous films -- in the decades since they were made(three years apart, back to back) are Psycho and The Birds.

Psycho...for the shower scene, the house, the motel , Tony Perkins as Norman Bates and all the sequels and remake.

The Birds because...well, as this April 2021 article notes '

"A family in Torrance California came home to find their living room looking like something out of Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 horror movie The Birds -- the room was filled with birds."

As long as newspapers, TV and radio continue to write articles about bird invasions with the line " something out of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds"...

...the movie will live on. Hitchcock, too.


Yes, California is now so progressive, even the birds are living in human homes. Amazing!
