Problems with WHTBJ

Great hag horror! Classic stuff. But, I think it's pretty honest to talk about the glaring plot holes:

(SPOILERS, naturally)

1.) It's crazy for Blanche to be on the second floor. That only ensures that Jane can terrorize her. What permanently disabled person lives on a second floor with no way down?

2.) We know the ending and that Blanche feels guilty for trying to kill Jane. But, not getting herself out of that house when she could have is nuts.

3.) So, Blanche tries to kill Jane by speeding up that tank of a car. The car smashes Jane in between it and the wrought iron gates. But, Jane comes out of that perfectly fine while Blanche is permanently paralyzed.

I get that it's all "because the movie needed it to happen that way," or the usual "Movie Logic." But, it is A LOT to try to get past.


You're right, this is a great classic, I've seen it many times. They don't make movies like this anymore.

In response to your questions:

1) Jane didn't start out by terrorizing her. They were living together for many years without any issues. Jane was actually at Blanche's beck and call so being on the second floor was never an issue until Jane started to lose her mind and became violent toward her sister.

2) Guilt was a part of it but also Blanche couldn't separate herself from her sister, especially since she was an invalid and her sister was practically her servant, which led to Jane's extreme ill feelings toward her. For many years Jane thought she caused her sister's paralysis so she waited on her sister hand and foot.

3) Obviously Jane was spared from being hit by the car but the car did crash into the wall (I'm pretty sure it was a wall) which is how Blanche lost the use of her legs.

I've never actually questioned anything about this film. I find that movies for the past 30 or so years have so many more plot holes than this. I think this one is absolutely fantastic but since you had questions, I hope I was able to help.


Well, they get to me.


Why would it be strange for someone who can't walk to be on the 2nd floor if they have a sister who's taking care of their every need, day and night? There's no need to be on the first floor.

I was wrong about the wall, it was an iron gate and obviously Jane wasn't actually hit by the car. It's clear that Jane got out of the way in time but Blanche went head on into it.

I'm not sure what you mean about Blanche getting out of the house when she could have. She was being taken care of for many years by her sister so why should she leave? When her sister started showing signs of mental illness, Blanche had no way of knowing how bad she would get. By the time Jane started becoming really abusive it was too late.

These actually aren't plot holes at all. Perhaps you just didn't care for the movie.


If there's a fire, she dies. And, that's just one example. You obviously have never had to care for someone who's impaired or disabled.
