Jane's Makeup

Why is her make up so pale I just wondered


Why is her make up so pale I just wondered

Davis designed Jane's makeup.

She figured Jane never washed her face; she just applied another layer of makeup every day.

So, presumably, we're looking at layers and layers of powder and whatever.


It's stage makeup. It was worn that way to accentuate the facial features washed out by the stage lights. Basically, the features; cheekbones, lips, eye outlines, etc.; had to be painted back on so the audience could make out the actors features. Since "Baby Jane" was the vaudeville star, she reverted back to "the look" that made her famous.


It's stage makeup. It was worn that way to accentuate the facial features washed out by the stage lights. Basically, the features; cheekbones, lips, eye outlines, etc.; had to be painted back on so the audience could make out the actors features. Since "Baby Jane" was the vaudeville star, she reverted back to "the look" that made her famous.

Is that fact or an opinion?

You may be right; that may have been the character's motivation.

But still, what I said is true: Davis designed the makeup to look that way.

I personally think that Jane never bothered to wash her face, before applying another coat.


I doubt Jane wouldn't wash her face; that's what they did in the 1700's.
I think the stark make-up was to accentuate an eccentric aging woman, and her wrinkles since the overuse would be filling in the facial creases. She would have looked younger with less make-up. It also had good effect due to the B & W photography.


I doubt Jane wouldn't wash her face; that's what they did in the 1700's

It was Davis' idea that Jane wouldn't wash her face. No one said this is written in stone.


I didn't know Davis mentioned that.


http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0056687/board/flat/230035106?d=230035350#2 30035350



She said it, it doesn't mean that's what the character actually did, it would be physically impossible to exist that way without some major facial illness, surely Davis knew that too and she was being ironic in her comment, something that clearly you didn't get. Also, it was a black and white movie and her skin DOES NOT look unnaturally white in the film as it does in the color pictures of the movie, even when acting next to Joan Crawford, her skin only looks two or three shades lighter than Joan Crawford's, which is easily explained by the fact that Jane was "lighter" and blonde when compared to the dark Blanche.


She said it, it doesn't mean that's what the character actually did, it would be physically impossible to exist that way without some major facial illness, surely Davis knew that too and she was being ironic in her comment, something that clearly you didn't get.

Of course it was irony and sarcasm.

Why do you go around the Internet looking for things to bitch about?

You are a real ray of sunshine, you are! 

Constantly! 


Actually there's a Japanese or Korean girl who never removed and just kept reapplying her makeup for over 15 years. I saw it on YT.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Oh my, do you have a link?


You are right: Davis did design Jane's makeup.

Makes me wonder: Jane's must have bathed or showered, yes? It seems to me that people, in general, bathed/showered less often than they do today. Would you imagine that, perhaps, Jane bathed once a week, maybe?


Depends on what part of the world you're from. There are people from other, more humid countries that bathed multiple times EACH DAY.


I think it helps that it also resembles those dolls.


I think the weird white makeup was supposed to be a combination of her living in the silent screen world, and simply poor hygiene. I don't think Jane would've been the type of "girl" to diligently remove and apply her makeup on a daily basis, and I'm thinking that she smelled a little ripe too. That dress looked like a larger version of something a little girl would wear, and she still attempted to keep the "curls" in her hair. Obviously she was delusional.


Kazuo Ohno-ass lookin ass


Her makeup was hideously garish, more terrifying than Frankensteins monster
